New Anti-Federalist Group in EU Parliament

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New Anti-Federalist Group in EU Parliament

The British Conservative Party has formed a new group in the European Parliament based on “Eurorealism” called the “European Conservatives and Reformists Group.” With 55 members from eight countries, the group, which announced its membership list on Monday, will be the fourth largest in the European Parliament.

Though largely Euroskeptic at home, the British Conservative Party formerly belonged to the European People’s Party (epp) in the EU Parliament. The epp group is a center-right Euro-federalist group that wants a European army and police force, a European judiciary and a single European United Nations seat.

The new group, however, believes in the “sovereign integrity of the nation state, opposition to EU federalism and a renewed respect for true subsidiarity.” It also supports “[f]ree enterprise, free and fair trade and competition, minimal regulation, lower taxation, and small government,” “[f]reedom of the individual, more personal responsibility and greater democratic accountability,” and the “importance of the family as the bedrock of society.”

Twenty-six of the group’s meps come from the Conservative Party. Fifteen come from Poland’s Law and Justice Party and nine from the Czech Republic’s Civic Democracy Party. The remaining five come from Belgium’s Lijst Dedecker, Finland’s Center Party (Keskusta), the Hungarian Democratic Forum, the Latvian National Independence Movement, and the Netherlands’ Christian Union (ChristenUnie).

The British Conservative Party believes that more political parties may join the group in the future.

The makeup of the European Union is about to significantly change. Bible prophecy indicates that a solid group of 10 nations or groups of nations will soon emerge from the current configuration of the EU. Watch Europe-skeptic movements like this new one as political divisions within the EU lead to an inevitable fracturing of its present unwieldy structure into 10 separate entities, all yielding to one overriding, dominant power (Revelation 17:12-13).