Our Planet Is an Extraordinarily Finely Tuned Machine


Our Planet Is an Extraordinarily Finely Tuned Machine

Evidence of a Creator

Scientists in recent years have accumulated evidence showing that specific features in creation—Earth, in particular—must be extremely fine-tuned in order to support life.

One obvious example is the Earth’s distance from the sun. It is just right to keep temperatures here hospitable—somewhere between negative 30 degrees and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If we were further away, we would freeze; if we were closer to the sun, we would roast.

Each year, we recognize more of these finely tuned features that allow for life here. In 1988, Dr. Hugh Ross’s team of astronomy researchers counted 15 features that had to be just so for any life to survive. By 1991, they had counted two more. By 1995, they had come to see yet nine more features that had to be exactly right. By 1998, the total number had risen to 34 features. Any significant change in any one of these conditions, and none of us would be here.

Of course, each of these features exponentially increases the improbability that life just happened to come about here without deliberate design. It makes it that much less likely that all of this evolved by chance.

By 2001, this research team had found 41 features. By 2004, 77 features. By 2005, 93 features. By 2006, they’d come to recognize 140 features—all perfectly lined up so life can exist on this planet.

And these features must align precisely for any physical life to survive, even just a single-celled organism. For an advanced human civilization to exist, the features that scientists have realized must be in place are far, far more numerous. In Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, Dr. Ross says it would take “at least [10 to the 700th power] times more fine-tuning precision” for a high-tech civilization like ours than for just single-cell life that survives for 90 days or less. “To put this number [10 to the 700th power] into perspective, the total number of protons and neutrons in the entire observable universe amounts to [10 to the 79th power].”

Our planet is an incomprehensibly fine-tuned precision machine!

This is strong evidence that there had to be a Designer.

Did you realize that most of the universe in its present form is uninhabitable? It is too hot or too cold—too dense or too vacuous—too dark or too bright. It has too much radiation, or too few of the heavy elements required for life. Gravitational forces are too intense—environments are too unstable.

Scientists have come to recognize just how remarkable and fortuitous our cosmic location is. We are far enough from the center of the Milky Way so we’re not bombarded by radiation. We are nowhere near dangerous star clusters or quasars or nebulae. We are right next to this very stable star called the sun. A whole host of factors make our planet’s position just perfect. “Earth is quite a charmed planet,” wrote Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee in Rare Earth.

And it is “charmed” in more than just its location. Earth is 7,913.1 miles in diameter, and even though it just “floats in space,” it weighs about 6,000 million, million, million tons. Scientists have learned several reasons why this is the ideal size. For example, if it were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If it were larger, we couldn’t live in its atmosphere—it would be like Jupiter’s.

Humans need 27 elements to live: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and so on. Earth has just the right mix of all of them, with a rich abundance of rare but vital heavy elements in its core and sprinkled through its crust and mantle.

Earth’s distance from both the sun and the moon are also perfect to ensure it has a stable, predictable orbit with 24-hour days. Thus, the planet doesn’t get too hot or too cold; the entire surface of Earth is properly warmed and cooled every day. (If, for example, the sun were smaller and Earth had to be closer to it in order to receive enough warmth for life, the planet’s rotation would be dangerously affected by the sun’s gravity: The same side of Earth could be locked into facing the sun at all times—as the moon is to Earth—thus baking half the planet and freezing the other.)

Thanks to our single large moon (its mass compared to the Earth is an incredible 50 times greater than any other moon-planet combination we know of), Earth is tilted at a nice, gentle 23.5-degree angle. Planets that have no moons or a relatively small moon have a rotation axis that tilts very chaotically. Without our moon, Earth would experience catastrophic climate changes. But as it is, that tilt gives us predictable, pleasant seasonal changes that provide variety and facilitate annual food production all over the planet.

These are extraordinary features. Recognizing this, scientists have concocted elaborate explanations of how they all came about through indiscriminate natural forces over billions of years. But the book of Job provides a more plausible explanation.

Job was a great builder. Historical evidence shows that he supervised construction of the Great Pyramid—and biblical evidence shows that he grew somewhat self-impressed. God helped correct his perspective. In Job 38, God provided an extraordinary picture of a moment in the universe’s history: when He built the Earth.

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding” (Job 38:4). Our planet didn’t come to inhabit its perfect place in the cosmos haphazardly. God says in this verse that He actively set the Earth in this precise location.

“Who determined [Earth’s] measurements?” God asked Job. “Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?” (verse 5, New King James Version). Our planet’s size and extraordinary elemental composition are not the product of arbitrary forces. They were measured and precisely surveyed—perfectly prepared to suit God’s purposes.

“Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof,” God continued (verse 6). The physical forces that anchor our planet and stabilize it, so crucial to its being able to host life, aren’t luck. Our Creator established them.

Everyone who sees that kind of meticulous and stunning handiwork should be shouting God’s praises!

After hearing God’s speech, Job was humbled. His appreciation for God’s creative genius and power multiplied, and his perspective on himself had shrunk to far more realistic proportions.

Today’s scientific revelations are telling us the same basic truths, confirming the biblical record. Surely we should be similarly awed and inspired.