Love, marriage and debt

The average British couple spend ₤26,000 (us$42,310) on their wedding day, according to an article in the Spectator last week. They spend the next 16 years paying that debt off. But, the average British marriage lasts only 11 years—meaning that the average couple will spend 5 years longer paying for their wedding than they will enjoying married life.

The average Brit, then, seems to put more effort into having the perfect wedding than into having the perfect marriage. Wedding guides suggest that couples plan their big day 18 months to two years in advance. Yet how many couples put any time into preparing for their marriage?

Even local governments are helping with wedding preparations. On its website, the Pembroke-shire County Council has pages of advice on how to plan and organize a successful wedding. But it doesn’t have even one sentence on how to have a successful marriage.

“When our politicians talk about the ‘broken society,’ they can never say enough about the value of marriage,” concludes the Spectator article. “What we forget is that the value has nothing whatsoever to do with the cost of the wedding.”

Education on marriage and family life is one of the greatest needs of today’s society.

Request our free book The Missing Dimension in Sex for the all-important instruction needed to prepare for a happy marriage.