We have lost the things we fought World War II to preserve

“The story is all wrong,” says the Daily Mail’s Peter Hitchens. If we really did win the Second World War, how come we look back on it “from conditions we might normally associate with defeat and occupation?”

It is an alarming question, but an important one. As Hitchens says, the Great is gone from Great Britain.

We are a second-rate power, rapidly slipping into third-rate status. We have a weak currency and shrunken armed forces, deployed as auxiliaries in wars … and we are largely governed from abroad.Our Parliament is a bought and paid-for puppet chamber. Our culture and customs have been debauched and our younger generations corrupted, as subject populations are, with drink, drugs and promiscuity.We are compelled, like an occupied people, to use foreign measures to buy butter or meat, and our history is largely forgotten or deliberately distorted in the schools to suit anti-British dogma. Those schools are unable to educate most of our children up to the levels of our main rivals, so ensuring that we provide no challenge to them. Our country has been Balkanized into provinces and regions.Our language is invaded by foreign words and expressions. Our food and most of our consumer goods are imported, along with our tv programs and films.The remaining veterans of the supposedly glorious struggle, far from being gratefully honored, often live in pinched poverty, scared of feral youths, or die neglected in squalid hospitals in a country many of them no longer recognize as their own.

There was a time when Britain ruled not just the waves, but the world.

Yet 70 years ago, as the Germans moved to their start-lines on the Polish border, we were the world’s greatest empire. Half the globe used our currency; we controlled vast resources and owned enormous foreign investments. We fed ourselves, dug our own coal, made our own steel, controlled our own fisheries and built our own ships, trains, cars and aircraft.We possessed an enormous navy, a modern air force and, at the same time, the most advanced welfare state in the world. We were competently administered by a small but efficient civil service. Parliament was a genuine national chamber and the Monarch a truly revered head of state. We were modestly but fiercely proud of our traditions, history and literature.Our only rival for global power was a jealous America ….

Hitchens also describes how the conditions that Britain fought to reverse in war are back (emphasis mine):

Under the 1985 Schengen Treaty, the borders of continental Europe have ceased to exist, from Calais all the way to Bucharest. Schengen has cancelled Versailles after all, and a giant reunited Germany dominates Europe all the way from Londonderry to the Balkans. Beyond the German sphere of influence, an authoritarian Russia takes over. What was it we went to war for again, exactly?

And now an increasingly assertive Germany is pushing the world toward global war again. Only this time it is starting from the position of having consolidated Europe through peaceful means first.

The astounding reason for Britain’s dramatic rise from virtual obscurity—to superpower status—and then back again is revealed in the book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. This book will open up your understanding of where world events are heading and will reveal the biblically forecast futures of America, Britain and the Commonwealth.