Report: Russian ship was delivering weapons to Iran

According to the latest reports, the Arctic Sea, the Russian-manned and -managed freighter that temporarily went missing last month, was carrying arms to Iran. In Britain, the Sunday Timesreports,

A cargo ship that vanished in the Channel was carrying arms to Iran and was being tracked by Mossad, the Israeli security service, according to sources in both Russia and Israel.

Although the Kremlin has consistently denied the ship was carrying secret cargo, its pr campaign explaining the saga has been so inconsistent and contradictory that many are now certain the freighter was carrying a lethal payload.

“The official version is ridiculous and was given to allow the Kremlin to save face,” said a Russian military source. “I’ve spoken to people close to the investigation and they’ve pretty much confirmed Mossad’s involvement. It’s laughable to believe all this fuss was over a load of timber. I’m not alone in believing that it was carrying weapons to Iran.”

Military sources in Israel have confirmed Mossad’s involvement, says the Times. “According to Israeli military sources, Israel received intelligence that weapons bound for Iran were being loaded in Kaliningrad, a port notorious for gun runners. ‘A decision was then taken to inform the Kremlin,’ said the source.”

And to think America and the West are going to have to recruit the Kremlin in any effort to impose sanctions on Iran. You’d think by now we’d realize whose side Russia is really on.