U.S.-Israeli relationship sustains another blow

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 455 houses in the West Bank, defying President Obama’s demands for a total freeze of Israeli construction in the area. Bloomberg reports:

President Barack Obama has demanded a total freeze of West Bank construction, and Palestinians say they won’t resume peace talks with Israel unless building is halted. Netanyahu says construction should be allowed in existing communities, though he’s agreed to rule out new settlements.The new homes will mostly be in larger settlements close to Jerusalem, including Maale Adumim and Har Gilo, according to an e-mailed statement sent today by the Tel Aviv-based Defense Ministry. Barak also gave permission to open a park for extreme sports in the more distant settlement of Ariel.

We have been predicting a breach in the U.S.-Israeli relationship for many years, and have been watching it play out with increasing momentum in instances like this. Here is what we wrote on June 12:

[President Obama] calling for a settlement freeze only applies intense pressure on an already fractured relationship between Washington and Jerusalem.This, as several commentators have noted, is exactly what the new American government wants. In creating this crisis, Stratfor explains, Obama wins no matter what Israel’s response might be. “If Netanyahu gives in, then [Obama] has established the principle that the United States can demand concessions from a Likud-controlled government in Israel and get them” (June 8).

The article went on to explain Israel’s most probable response to President Obama’s demands. It was a prediction which Barak’s decision to build has now proved accurate:

And if Netanyahu doesn’t give in, which is much more likely when viewing the collision from a prophetic standpoint, Obama can drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel and then “use that split as a lever with Islamic states,” Stratfor notes.The United States, in other words, is renouncing its special relationship with Israel in order to boost its standing in the Muslim world.We’ve been predicting this U.S.-Israeli division for many years, thanks to two specific prophecies found in Hosea 5:13 and Zechariah 11:14. In the latter verse, God said He would “break the brotherhood between Judah [modern-day Israel] and Israel [primarily the United States and Britain].”This is why in Hosea, God says that Judah, after being mortally wounded by the peace process, would seek help from Germany, rather than the United States.President Obama went to Cairo last week in search of a “new beginning” in the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world. In doing so, the U.S. effectively ended its brotherly friendship and strategically critical alliance with Israel.That “unbreakable” bond between America and Israel, the president’s assurances notwithstanding, is now broken.

To understand the ultimately inspiring prophetic significance of this ruptured relationship, request our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.