Britain’s poverty of aspirations

Britain’s broken families have produced a generation of dangerously uneducated young people, according to Lesley Ward, president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. She warns that many children have been taught very little because of the “poverty of aspiration” of their parents. The Daily Mail reports:

She warned parts of Britain now resemble “the times of Dickens” with children beginning their education knowing only how to eat with a spoon.Many have not been toilet-trained or eaten a home-cooked family meal around a table.Some are growing up in splintered families not knowing from “month to month” the identity of the father figure at home.

Daily Mail columnist Peter Hitchens offers this assessment of Britain’s appalling family life:

Our schools are terrible, and have been for years—so terrible that even the authorities are beginning to admit it.But the teachers are right when they say that the real problem is in the home. And the problem of the home is actually the problem of an unhinged society that decided to try to change human nature.Women, it said, had to work outside the home to be fulfilled. Raising children was something that would just get done in the intervals between work and sleep.This idea came from a wild, leftist coven whose members long ago grew up and got rich. But it just happened to suit a lot of businesses which find women cheaper and more reliable than men, and so it took off. And it has done limitless damage.

For God’s perspective on the divine purposes for marriage and family, study Why Marriage! Soon Obsolete?