Muslims schedule a service on Capitol Hill to “pray for the soul” of the nation

The Washington Post published this on Saturday:

Tens of thousands of Muslims plan to pray “for the soul of America” outside the U.S. Capitol this month in what is being described as a first-of-its-kind event.The event, headed by the Dar-ul-Islam mosque in Elizabeth, N.J., will not include political speeches or placards, just prayer, said Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam and a main organizer of the September 25 event.Never has the Islamic community prayed on Capitol Hill for the soul of America.

The “Jummah” prayer is to take place very near the location where U.S. presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The article continued:

Abdellah said President Obama’s inaugural address in January and his speech in Egypt in June led Abdellah and another imam to begin discussing the idea of a prayer service. … “He said he had his hand open to the Islamic world,” he said. “The Islamic world wants to open their hand and shake it.”

According to the event organizer’s website, the “peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America’s Capitol” on the day of the prayer.

“Our time has come,” is written in large font at the bottom of every page of the website. A survey of our divided nation makes it difficult to argue against that mantra. The Muslim community is growing bolder all the time.

In their booklet Character in Crisis, editor in chief Gerald Flurry and executive editor Stephen Flurry write this:

The Founding Fathers may not have known that America’s earliest settlers were in fact descendants of Israel (write for The United States and Britain in Prophecy for proof), but they certainly likened America to a “New Israel.” Historians and political commentators alike recognize this fact.William J. Bennett wrote in his latest book, Our Sacred Honor, “What made this country different from all others was a prevalent belief that God played a direct and active hand in founding a people. Like the Jerusalem of old, America’s ‘New Jerusalem’ was to become God’s promised land to the oppressed—an example to all humankind” (page 366).New Jerusalem. Promised land. These are biblical terms. There was a tendency, Angelo Codevilla wrote in The Character of Nations, for “Americans to equate themselves with the children of Israel.”

This Muslim prayer to be held in the nation’s Capitol is another indication of how far our people have drifted from the principles the country was founded upon.