Cultural sabotage in Britain

“So now the cat is well and truly out of the bag,” wrote Melanie Phillips last week. “For years, as the number of immigrants to Britain shot up apparently uncontrollably, the question was how exactly this had happened.”

“The Labor government has been engaged upon a deliberate and secret policy of national cultural sabotage,” she writes, after an article published by Andrew Neather—a former speech writer for Britain’s top politicians—revealed the true agenda behind Britain’s immigration policy.

“Neather wrote,” says Phillips, “that until ‘at least February last year,’ when a new points-based system was introduced to limit foreign workers in response to increasing uproar, the purpose of the policy [former immigration minister Barbara] Roche ushered in was to open up the UK to mass immigration.” She continues:

This has been achieved. Some 2.3 million migrants have been added to the population since 2001. Since 1997, the number of work permits has quadrupled to 120,000 a year.Unless policies change, over the next 25 years some 7 million more will be added to Britain’s population, a rate of growth three times as fast as took place in the ’80s.Such an increase is simply unsustainable. Britain is already one of the most overcrowded countries in Europe. But now look at the real reason why this policy was introduced, and in secret. The government’s “driving political purpose,” wrote Neather, was “to make the UK truly multicultural.”It was therefore a politically motivated attempt by ministers to transform the fundamental make-up and identity of this country. It was done to destroy the right of the British people to live in a society defined by a common history, religion, law, language and traditions.It was done to destroy forever what it means to be culturally British and to put another “multicultural” identity in its place. And it was done without telling or asking the British people whether they wanted their country and their culture to be transformed in this way.

For more details on the dangerous threat this poses to British society, see “The Sickness in Britain’s Heart.”