China and Japan discuss a closer alliance

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama in Tokyo on Friday to discuss bolstering their bilateral ties under the new Japanese leadership. Xinhua wrote:

Yang said the leaders of the two countries have met under several circumstances to reach important consensus on deepening China-Japan strategic mutually beneficial relations. The political mutual trust has been improved and communication in all areas is progressing. China will seize the current opportunities to further bilateral cooperation and high-level visits, expand cooperation in Asian and international affairs.Yang also expressed that China is willing to facilitate the building of China-Japan-South Korea free-trade zone and an East Asia community. “It’s a common goal of countries in the region, including China and Japan, to build the East Asia community. We should work together to improve peace, development and prosperity of Asia,” he said.Hatoyama said he had many chances to meet Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao since he became the prime minister in September and believed the frequent meetings are important to the development of bilateral ties. “I hope we can keep the momentum and I am looking forward to participating in the Shanghai Expo next year.””I want to build win-win relationships based on a spirit of fraternity and expand them from between Japan and China to the Asian region and the world,” Hatoyama said. “Doing so, I believe, will lead to the building of an East Asian community.”

For over 50 years, Tokyo supported U.S. policy, but that has been changing—and under its new leadership, that change will accelerate. Hatoyama blames America for the global economic crisis and says that the United States is responsible for “the destruction of human dignity.” He campaigned on a platform of protecting traditional Japanese economic activities and reducing U.S.-led globalization.

Based on Bible prophecy, we can expect this movement toward greater Asian cooperation to speed up. A major Asian military alliance will soon be locked in.

To understand the prophetic significance of the growing ties between China and Japan, read “Japan’s Reorientation.”