Bible Prophecy Is Coming Alive in Europe!

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Bible Prophecy Is Coming Alive in Europe!

Europeans want a leader with “charisma.” Bible prophecy says they’re about to get one.

Germany, Germany,Germany … why is the Trumpet so revved up about events unfolding in Germany?

It’s simple. Politically, economically and militarily, Germany—and by extension Europe—is presently undergoing the most significant transformation since World War ii. Why do we find this so riveting? Because these trends mark the fulfillment of some of the most awe-inspiring prophecies in the Bible!

Of the 195 countries on Earth, Germany, the modern-day descendant of biblical Assyria, is one of the most discussed in end-time Bible prophecy. As the Trumpetexplains often, passages in both the Old and New Testament reveal that immediately prior to Jesus Christ’s Second Coming, a German-led European empire will control world affairs. The Prophet Daniel wrote extensively about this end-time European superpower, which he termed the “king of the north.”

In chapter 8, Daniel explains in fascinating detail that this end-time “king of the north” will be led by an individual with a unique and captivating personality. “And in the latter time,” Daniel wrote in verse 23, “when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” This ambitious political leader will have a clear sense of direction, both personally and for the conglomerate he leads. He will pursue his goals ruthlessly and relentlessly.

But Daniel says he will also be a man of charisma and personality. In chapter 11, we’re told he establishes dominion over his empire “through devious means … with deceit and flatteries” (verse 21). His personality is mesmerizing. He’s polite and charming, yet dangerously forceful. He’s intelligent, yet cunning as a fox. He’s eloquent, yet circumspect and calculated. His leadership is decisive and vibrant. He soothes the fears and captures the imagination of his followers.

What does this prophesied individual have to do with modern-day Europe?

Never in the history of the European Union has the need been as dire as it currently is for a leader like the one prophesied by Daniel. Fact is, many in Europe are pining for such a leader. “In order to stand up to the self-centeredness of the national capitals,” wrote German daily Die Tageszeitung last week, “Europe needs a directly elected leader with charisma” (emphasis mine throughout).

“Neither a Machiavelli nor a Bismarck has yet emerged from Brussels,” lamented Thomas Renard in the EU Observer last week. “Nevertheless, the EU has no other choice: In today’s changing environment, marked by a shift in the distribution of global power and a growing uncertainty regarding the coming order, the EU cannot sit and wait ….”

In other words, the EU needs a modern-day Bismarck—and soon!

Anyone familiar with conditions in Europe—the widespread political malaise, the mounting backlash against Muslim immigrants, the anger at government-imposed austerity measures, the frustration with the suits in Brussels—can easily see that the Continent is primed for the emergence of a leader like the man forecast by the Prophet Daniel. Europeans are pining for robust leadership, and Bible prophecy says they’re going to get it!

Here’s another riveting prophecy currently unfolding in media headlines. Revelation 17 and 18 discuss the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, which will be led by Germany and the Vatican. In addition to being a world-ruling political and military power, the now-building Holy Roman Empire will be a global economic hegemon, one in which all the “merchants of the earth wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Revelation 18:3).

With this prophecy in mind, consider these trends.

Ever since the creation of an economic union, European states have dragged their feet over relinquishing control of their finances to Brussels. In an article Monday, Der Spiegel noted that this “has changed since the euro crisis shook the monetary union and the realization sank in that things cannot continue as they are.” Shaken by economic turmoil, European countries have stepped up their efforts toward economic integration.

Suddenly there is talk of an ‘economic union’ and even the necessity of an ‘economic government,’ [and] there is no sign of the usual outcry,” Spiegel wrote.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, says that Europe has come further over the past few months “than over the past 10 years.” European Commission President José Manuel Barroso says that thanks to Europe’s financial crisis, the EU monetary system is now underpinned “by a genuine economic union.”

The global financial crisis is forging the European Union into an economic superpower—exactly as the Apostle John prophesied in Revelation 17!

Lastly, consider the prophecy in Isaiah 10, which says that Assyria, or modern-day Germany, will in the end time be a terrifying military power. This prophecy shows that we can expect to see Germany shake its postwar pacifist tendencies and guilt and begin to actively reassert itself as a dominant and independent force in the world.

The New York Times is probably the last place one would expect to see a headline embodying a biblical prophecy, but check out this headline from last week: “German Identity, Long Dormant, Reasserts Itself.”

“Twenty years after reunification, Germany has come to terms with itself in a way that the postwar generation proclaimed would never be possible,” wrote Nicholas Kulish. “In ways large and small Germany is flexing its muscles and reasserting a long-repressed national pride. Dozens of recent interviews across the country, with workers and businessmen, politicians and homemakers, artists and intellectuals, found a country more at ease with itself and its symbols, like its flag and its national anthem—a people still aware of their country’s history, but less willing to let it dictate their actions.”

Germany is shedding its postwar pacifism and once again donning the attire of a world-dominant military state—just as Isaiah prophesied it would!

Hopefully you can begin to see why the Trumpet is so riveted by what’s unfolding in Germany and throughout Europe. Of course, we look at these events and trends and see a sobering, gut-wrenching future in which this German-led European superstate will induce global chaos and suffering beyond what mankind has ever experienced. But we look through this grim picture and see and experience something truly moving.

What’s happening in Germany and Europe was prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago. The more we watch the fulfillment of these prophecies, the more our faith and hope in the divinely inspired Word of God grows.

Truly, we look at the ominous trends unfolding in Germany and Europe and we see God.

You can too! How? First, be prepared to study the Bible with an open mind. Then join more than 5 million other people and request and study The United States and Britain in Prophecy. This book explains the key that unlocks all Bible prophecy. Studied properly, it will open a new dimension to events currently unfolding in the world. Europe, for example, will no longer be a faraway place where politicians with obscure names are making seemingly irrelevant decisions.

Rather, you’ll come to see Europe as a continent in which the hand of God is at work, in which Bible prophecies are unfolding in spectacular and riveting detail!