European crisis in need of a strong man

The eurozone economic crisis has been quite revealing—unmasking the flaws in a monetary union without political union, as well as the stark leadership void in the European Union, Spiegel Online observed last week—echoing what the Trumpet has written about for years.

“With the EU mired in crisis, strong leadership from European capitals is more important than ever. Unfortunately, the bloc is suffering from a leadership void. But the eurozone crisis presents an opportunity to overhaul the EU’s institutions—if leaders are willing to seize it,” Spiegel wrote.

The EU’s current leadership lacks the “ambitious vision that once propelled continental integration,” Spiegel wrote. As evidenced by Europe’s past, all the greatest advances in European integration have historically been fueled by crises. The article states, “The eurozone crisis similarly presents an opportunity—if leaders are willing to seize it—to overhaul the EU’s institutions of political and economic governance.”

People are beginning to believe that “the best solution to the crisis may be greater unity,” as the article states. The Trumpet has long predicted that the current euro crisis would help unite Europe.

A parallel leadership void exists in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel is becoming less popular with German voters, and according to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a movement within Merkel’s bloc for a new leader may already be underway. Political rising star Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (whom we have pointed out in the past) is currently “at the center of the speculation,” according to FAZ. “Guttenberg has proved to be a flexible, ambitious politician. He comes from an old, upper-crust southern German family. Whether chatter in conservative circles about his future has to do with a ‘real power struggle (within the cdu/csu) or merely what-if speculation’ is, according to the FAZ, not clear,” Spiegel wrote.

One thing that is clear, however, is that Bible prophecy reveals a strong leader will soon arise in Germany who will dominate all of Europe. As we wrote just last week, “Soon, very soon, Germany will get its biblically prophesied führer!”