Rule al Britannia


Rule al Britannia

Welcome to the new United Kingdom. It’s a hodgepodge of peoples and cultures. But is it the stronger for it?

There are now 40 “weekend schools” in Britain that teach children sharia law. At these schools, children are taught that British culture “is in opposition to almost everything that Islam stands for.” At some schools, teenagers are taught the correct way to chop off a thief’s hand and that the penalty for homosexual sex is to be stoned, thrown off a cliff, or burned with fire.

Immigration is irreversibly altering the cultural landscape of Britain—that much is sure. But can a nation so culturally diverse stand for long?

According to the European Union’s most recent population report, Britain is now the immigration capital of Europe. The country gained more people last year due to immigration and rising birth rates (largely attributed to recent immigrants) than anywhere else in Europe. One in four babies born last year had a mother who was herself born abroad, according to the Daily Mail.

An astounding one third of all European population growth last year took place in Britain.

As far as how many immigrants (legal and illegal) there are in Britain, no one really knows. The government releases statistics, but they are really just politicized guesses. Every year, 110,000 foreign students are given permission to stay for 12 months. When their visas run out, most refuse to go home! According to analysts, only about 10,000 comply with their visa requirements to leave the country. The UK Border Agency admits it is overwhelmed.

The result is that more than one in 10 people in the entire British workforce are immigrants.

Britain’s immigration system is in such a shambles that official figures for population and immigration are totally unreliable. However, anecdotal evidence highlights the widespread cultural transformation shaking the nation. There are now schools where not a single student speaks English as a first language. There are almost 600 primary schools where an astounding 70 percent or more of the students have English as a second language—if they can speak any English at all.

These statistics are shocking. But in light of the revelation earlier this year that British politicians purposefully encouraged mass migration to Britain with the stated goal to “change the social make-up of the country,” it should not be such a surprise (Daily Mail, February 23). The Whitehall document smoking gun acknowledged that most Britons were against mass immigration, which the authors attributed to “racist” attitudes. The document also claimed that only the ill educated and those who had never met a migrant were against opening up the country’s borders. Ministers were instructed to work to change racist public attitudes and prepare to deal with elevated crime rates.

The result one decade later? The most popular boy’s name in Britain is now Mohammad.

Meanwhile, across the English Channel, French authorities are battling to contain one of the largest illegal camps of immigrants on the Continent. Hundreds pour into the “jungle” trying to seek passage to England. Up and down the coast, French and Belgian harbors are inundated with migrants.

Why the effort to get into Britain? One reason is that Britain is seen as the country of the free ride. Take the case of Romanian immigrant Illie Schian. On Monday, he was charged with stealing £113,000 worth of allowances for housing, children and unemployment. Eleven years ago, claiming persecution back home, he had been granted indefinite stay. He immediately set out to claim as many taxpayer-funded handouts as he could, even as he became involved with a smuggling ring to bring other immigrants into the country.

But perhaps the most visible result of Britain’s mass migration experiment is the disintegration of its national identity.

The protest surrounding Armistice Day is a tragic example. As millions of Britons paused in silence to remember the soldiers who gave their lives to defend the country, radical Muslims burned poppies and shouted hate-filled slogans, accusing troops of raping and murdering thousands of Muslims.

“We find it disgusting … an illegal and unjust war,” said Asad Ullah of Muslims Against Crusades. “We want the government to pull the troops out from these countries and to stop interfering in our affairs” (emphasis mine throughout).

What a telling statement: “interfering in our affairs.”

This is the problem with mass immigration. Instead of leaving the past behind and seeking a new future, mass immigration promotes the retention of past cultures and ancient grievances. Instead of integrating into British culture, immigrants live in their own enclaves that remain distinct from the rest of the country. Thus they do not adopt the ideals, the common history or sense of national purpose of the host nation. Mass immigration promotes segregation and the development of self-interest groups.

It is obvious that Asad Ullah and his group of Islamists have not adopted Britain or become British. To them, the Britons are the outsiders, while the Afghanis and Iraqis are their people.

Britain is filled with hundreds of ethnic and cultural groups—and no one knows whose side anyone is on.

If you are a politician, be careful who you offend because you just might represent a district composed primarily of Poles, or Roma, or Sudanese, or Pakistanis, or Cambodians. Who then do you really represent? Do you represent the British interest, or the interest of some other people?

That is the big question facing Britain today. But it was a question that God warned that Britain would face. In Hosea 7, God said that Britain would eventually lose its national character and be confounded because of its immigration policy.

Like a cake unturned—burned on one side and soft dough on the other side—and good for nothing on either side. This is Britain today: a country in the full embrace of multiculturalism to the extent that it is destroying its own culture.

As it says in Hosea, Britain is an empire in rapid decline. Its strength is sapped from the inside and from the outside. Gray hairs cover its head, and it doesn’t even know it.

For proof that Hosea 7 is specifically referring to Britain, request a free copy of the book that 6 million other people have read: The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.