WikiLeaks: Hezbollah stockpiling for next attack on Israel

According to a WikiLeaks cable published in Norway’s Aftenposten newspaper Sunday, Hezbollah can now hit Israel with up to 600 rockets per day. The Jerusalem Postreports, “Hezbollah … has 40,000 missiles as well as a number of Iranian-made Ababil unmanned aerial vehicles that have a range of 150 kilometers and can be loaded with explosives to bomb strategic targets in Israel.”

By way of comparison, in 1996, during Operation Grapes of Wrath, Hezbollah launched 55 rockets per day at Israel. Ten years later, during Second Lebanon War, it fired a total of 4,000 rockets at Israel over a period of 31 days, an average of 130 rockets per day.

Judging by the size of Hezbollah’s arsenal at present, the next clash with the Israelis could be absolutely debilitating for northern Israel.

Yesterday, we posted a story about the weapons Iran is supplying to Hamas. You can read that here.