Israel’s foreign minister proposes an EU force in Gaza

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton was in Israel Wednesday to reiterate the need for Israel to open up Gaza’s borders for “reconstruction and economic recovery,” Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports.

In response, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated, “If you want to bring about an end to the siege of the Gaza Strip, you have to take responsibility and set a strong, genuine and effective force to stop weapons smuggling.”

Although Ashton denied today that the EU is seriously considering sending such a European force into Gaza, this trend for Israel to reach out for European assistance is being watched closely by the Trumpet.

In Jerusalem in Prophecy, editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains how the Jews are prophesied to invite a European force into their country as “peacekeepers”—and that it will end in a massive double cross.

Eventually, the Europeans will indeed have troops on the ground within Israel. Lieberman’s comments reveal that Israel is already open to the idea.