Israel’s Trojan Horse

Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images

Israel’s Trojan Horse

An internal document encourages EU intervention in Jerusalem.

According to an EU internal document, “Israel has left Palestinian neighborhoods ever more isolated” and “by legal and practical means, is actively pursuing its annexation by systematically undermining the Palestinian presence in the city.” The report, published by top European Union officials in Israel, was sent to EU Consuls General.

The document suggests that EU observers be present during Israeli demolitions of Palestinians homes in Jerusalem. The diplomats further advise that Brussels should “ensure EU intervention when Palestinians are arrested or intimidated by Israeli authorities for peaceful cultural, social or political activities in East Jerusalem” (emphasis mine).

Other recommendations include boycotting products manufactured in Israeli factories in East Jerusalem and banning entry of violent settlers to EU countries.

Haaretz reports, “The far-ranging sharply worded recommendations in the report … reflect a dramatic, negative change in the international community’s attitude toward Israel in general, and East Jerusalem in particular. The European Union report should be viewed in the context of the news that more and more countries are inclined to recognize a Palestinian state along the borders of June 4, 1967. … This is the context in which the report recommends that Europe should begin to treat the eastern part of the city as the capital of Palestine.”

As our regular readers know, Bible prophecy says that Jerusalem will eventually be cut in half by a Palestinian uprising (Zechariah 14:1-2). In the midst of this crisis, Israel will finally see how disastrous the “peace” process has been over the past two decades. In a desperate attempt to heal this incurable sickness, as prophesied in Hosea 5:13, Israel will turn to the German-led European Union for help.

That move, however, will result in a catastrophic double cross that ends up leaving the entire city of Jerusalem buried under a heap of ruin!

In the months and years ahead, we fully expect Europe to intensify its efforts to establish a presence in Jerusalem—and for Israel to accommodate those intentions. But as the recent internal document reveals—to say nothing of what’s revealed in Bible prophecy or secular history—it has all the trappings of a Trojan horse.