Iranian weapons cache intercepted by Israel

An estimated 50 tons of weapons have been discovered on a container ship heading to Alexandria, Egypt, from Turkey. Included in the arsenal were six C-704 anti-ship missiles—which have a range of 35 kilometers—that could severely threaten Israeli naval installations and vessels in the region.

Not surprisingly, Iranian fingerprints are all over the weapons, no doubt intended for Iran’s proxy in Gaza, Hamas.

According to the official blog of the Israel Defense Forces, “The identification document for the anti-ship missiles was in Persian and contained emblems of the Iranian government throughout.”

Furthermore, the container ship stopped at the Syrian port of Latakia en route to Turkey before heading to Egypt. This is the very same Syrian port that the two Iranian naval vessels stopped at after their passage through the Suez Canal for supposed “training exercises” a little over three week ago.

According to Ynetnews, Israeli Rear Adm. Rani Ben-Yehuda said “the army suspects two Iranian ships which docked in Syria’s Latakia port two weeks ago were connected to the smuggling attempt.”