American crisis watch

Move over Armani: A new clothing designer thinks it is about to make a killing in America. What’s it selling? Fashionable, bulletproof clothes! According to the New York Daily News:

Designer Miguel Caballero first developed his line in his native Colombia, where wealthy clients needed protection from Medellin drug cartel hit men, but didn’t like the bulky look of bulletproof vests.After all, if you must run away from a shooter, why not do it in couture?Two years ago, Caballero saw the sky-high level of gun violence in the U.S. and thought, “Market!”He opened up in Miami, and it’s been a thriving business ever since.

And best of all: If you get shot in the first six months, which is becoming increasingly likely these days, reports the Daily News, Caballero will let you trade your purchase in for a new one.

It says a lot about America when Kmart and Sears are struggling, but sales of figure-hugging bulletproof trench coats and Apricot Orange Uzzi-proof leather jackets are soaring.