Powerful Proof of Why You Need to Pay Heed to the Trumpet

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Powerful Proof of Why You Need to Pay Heed to the Trumpet

Track the rapid advance of radical Islam in Egypt and Libya.

Take a look at the cover story of the Trumpet’s October issue. In it our editor in chief wrote about revolutionized Egypt and Libya joining the radical Islamic camp led by Iran. The last two weeks have seen stunning advancements in this trend in both these countries.

Those who celebrated the Arab Spring need to look again at just what a bitter harvest is now shooting up.

In Egypt, signs of radicalization have grown bloody and violent. Since Mubarak was ousted in February, Muslims have repeatedly attacked Christians and destroyed church buildings; they have abducted and raped Christian girls; they have increasingly terrorized the country’s 8-million-strong Coptic community.

And in incident after incident, security forces have just stood aside and watched. Clearly, Egypt’s powerful military stands with the Islam-motivated attackers.

This fact was made sickeningly clear this month. After a mob of 3,000 Muslims demolished a Coptic church in Aswan on September 30, the city’s governor major general, Mustafa El-Sayed, blamed the Copts for the incident, since they had violated building codes. “Copts made a mistake and, therefore, they should be punished,” he explained.

A Coptic group called the Maspero Youth Union decided it was time to stand up and protest. On October 9, they marched on the headquarters of Egyptian state television. In the melee that followed, the military opened fire on the protesters and intentionally drove armored vehicles through the crowd to mow people down. The event was breathtaking for its brutality. Several hundred Christians were wounded, and at least 35 were murdered, many beyond recognition.

It was a horrific demonstration of what is becoming an irrefutable fact in the new Egypt: The country’s military dictatorship is following radical Islamic orthodoxy and working to eliminate Egypt’s Christian minority.

How rapidly Egypt has succumbed to such brutal radicalism! Gerald Flurry has told Trumpet readers since our July 1993 issue to watch for this to happen. “Islamic extremism is gaining power at a frightening pace in Egypt,” he wrote there. “I believe this prophecy in Daniel 11:42 indicates you are about to see a radical change in Egyptian politics!”

Now, here it is. Drawing blood in the streets of Cairo.

That prophecy in Daniel 11 links Egypt with a radical Islamic Middle Eastern power that will be led by Iran. The Trumpet is specifically watching for what verse 40 describes as a “push”—an aggressive provocation—by that power against a German-led European coalition that is spiritually guided by the Vatican (this is all explained in detail in our booklet The King of the South). The eruption of violence against Christians in Egypt becomes far more prophetically significant when viewed as part of this “push” from the “king of the south.” We can expect such religious conflict to increase drastically.

The story in Libya is following a parallel course.

Last week, rebel forces aided by nato finally managed to track down Muammar Qadhafi. They publicly beat and humiliated him and then put a bullet in his head. Thus ended the war that has raged since February.

This past Sunday—the very day Libya’s new government, the National Transitional Council, officially declared an end to the war—Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the council’s chairman and de facto president, signaled just what kind of Libya the world can now expect to see. Having already proclaimed that future Libyan law would be based on Islamic sharia, Abdul-Jalil decreed to a large, cheering crowd that polygamy in Libya is now legal. Qadhafi’s law against it conflicted with Islam, he explained. He then promised that, soon, banks will no longer be permitted to charge interest, also to bring them into compliance with sharia.We are an Islamic state,” he said.

This is a phenomenally gutsy move for this guy. The ntc would not even be in power if not for the enormous help it received from nato, most notably the U.S. and several European countries. And this is how it thanks its American and European allies: by announcing, practically within hours of Qadhafi’s death, that the country is about to lurch more radically Islamic.

How ironic that Europe, after having done so much to overturn Libya’s leadership these past months, will end up with a government there far more hostile to its own interests. Look at the whole prophecy in Daniel 11—it shows that soon, that European power will have to go back and deal with this now-bigger problem far more decisively.

This, though, is the outcome of the Arab Spring that we are seeing time and again. Radical Islam is on the march. It is loud and proud. The Arab Spring only gave it legs and a head of steam.

The place where it all started at the end of last year, Tunisia, just held its first democratic election this past Sunday. Guess who won? Ennahda, the country’s Islamist party. It will now write Tunisia’s new constitution.

Just remarkable. And most remarkable of all: The West has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for the whole movement. America humiliated Mubarak and supported Egypt’s dissenters. It supplied the military might to sustain the nato attack on Qadhafi. As Mr. Flurry scathingly brought out in his October article, America and the West have paved the way for radical Islam—and an Iranian victory—in both countries! This after America knocked out Iran’s two biggest enemies in the region in Afghanistan and Iraq, and effectively gift-wrapped the latter for Iran to dominate.

Like Libya’s new leaders, Iran is poised to assume a position of far greater power—and it owes its biggest debt of gratitude to America.

All of these shocking events are unfolding in line with what the Trumpet has said would happen—in some cases to the detail, and in some for nearly two decades! There has never been such powerful proof of why you need to pay attention to the Trumpet and the words of our editor in chief as what has emerged from the Arab Spring over this past year!

Watch as both Egypt and Libya continue their metamorphosis into the Iranian allies they are prophesied to become. And think seriously about what it means that everything we are seeing is following a script laid out thousands of years ago in Scripture. Only one power in the universe can, as it says in Isaiah 46:10, declare “the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand.”