Tensions Rise in Londonistan

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Tensions Rise in Londonistan

Islamist extremists in London are growing steadily more aggressive.

Last Friday, a British member of Parliament was threatened during a meeting in a London mosque, forcing him to abandon the event. The incident takes its place atop a mountain of evidence showing that Islamist aggression in Britain is intensifying.

mp Mike Freer was holding a constituency surgery at the North Finchley mosque when a dozen Islamists from the “Muslims Against Crusades” group forced their way into the building. Freer, a homosexual man and a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, later said one of the activists called him a “Jewish homosexual pig.” He was forced to abandon the meeting and to hide in a locked section of the facility.

The strife started after Muslims Against Crusades posted messages on their website urging supporters to target Freer. The website also referenced mp Stephen Timms, who was stabbed by a Muslim woman in East London last year as he held a constituency meeting. The website said the attack on Timms should act as a “piercing reminder” to political figures that “their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area.” The online message also stated that “as a member of the Conservative Party,” Freer “has the blood of thousands of Muslims on his hands,” and that he was targeted also because of his decision earlier this year to demand that Palestinian extremist Sheikh Raed Salah be banned from visiting Britain.

As is the case in most such incidents, no arrests were made.

Part of a Bigger Picture

This is only the latest in a long list of such incidents showing that Islamists in London are growing more aggressive. Here are some examples:

In February of last year, the Telegraph reported that the Islamic Forum of Europe—which advocates jihad and sharia law, and desires to transform Britain and Europe into Islamic regions—had infiltrated the Labor Party, and could bring about a “mass mobilization” of voters.

Also last year, a man woke up in a hospital partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after he was attacked by a mob in Shadwell for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

In July of this year, posters began sprouting up all over several East London boroughs that warned: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.” The posters said gambling, music, concerts, pornography, prostitution, drugs, smoking and alcohol were forbidden in the Muslim “zone.”

Earlier this year, four Muslims from Tower Hamlets were sentenced to 19 years for brutally assaulting a white teacher who taught religious studies lessons to Muslim girls. Later, Muslims threatened the life of a non-Muslim woman working at a pharmacy because she was not wearing a headscarf or veil. Also this year, Islamists put up posters throughout Tower Hamlets labeling the borough a “gay-free zone.”

Andrew Gilligan reported that the Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other incidents in the Tower Hamlets area where both non-Muslims and Muslims have been threatened or attacked for behavior said to violate fundamentalist “Islamic norms.” But the police downplay the incidents because they fear being accused of racism, Gilligan said:

Teachers in several local schools have told the Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils—and, in one case, through another teacher—to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls. …Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 percent since 2007/8, and by 21 percent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole.

But the latest incident involving mp Freer marks a new step in the Islamic incursion. Melanie Phillips said the attack shows that “the threatening implications of self-declared ‘Muslim areas’ are spreading into the heart of our democracy.” Phillips continued:

Effectively, therefore, the North Finchley mosque became a no-go area for this mp. This surely represented not only a threat to Mr. Freer as an individual but to parliamentary democracy itself. More chilling still, it would seem that for “Muslims Against Crusades” Finchley is now to be regarded as a Muslim area—presumably on the grounds that any area with a sizable Muslim population is to be thus regarded—and its inhabitants subjected as a result to Islamist intimidation.Finchley happens to be home to a significant Jewish community which will now feel particularly vulnerable. But in fact everyone now comes under potential threat—including Muslims themselves—as can be seen from what has taken place in East London. For the posters there did not represent empty threats. The process of Islamization through intimidation is well under way.

Britain’s Islamists are not content with the status quo, and many are willing to violate any state law that stands in the way of their goals of transforming London into Londonistan. Yet, the response from the overwhelming majority of non-Muslims has been silence.

Britain was the U.S.’s strongest ally in the “war on terror.” But because of its weak will and sick heart, its policies have enabled the most extreme elements of Islamism in the world to set up base on its soil. Multiple radical groups have their headquarters or significant operations there. Consider this list of infamous Islamists: the murderer of journalist Daniel Pearl; al Qaeda members who sought to target U.S. financial centers; the man who rammed an explosive-laden truck into police barracks in Kashmir; shoe-bomber Richard Reid; suicide bombers who blew up Israelis in a Tel Aviv bar; one of the masterminds behind two attacks in Bali. All these terrorists called England their home.

To understand the prophetic significance of this alarming trend, read Trumpet columnist Joel Hilliker’s article “The Sickness in Britain’s Heart.”