The Man and the Message Liberia Forgot


The Man and the Message Liberia Forgot

A witness from an ambassador of peace of how to establish stable government

This past few weeks have been bloody and divisive in the West African country of Liberia. Low numbers of voters turned out for national elections Tuesday amid a boycott by political challenger Winston Tubman. As a result, incumbent Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is favored to win another term in office by default, ensuring continued division in this unsettled country. As polling stations closed, any prospect of a peaceful road ahead for this much-divided of West African countries hangs in the balance.

Since the 1800s and Liberia’s establishment as a safe haven for freed slaves from North America, Liberians have wanted peace—have searched for peace. But this week’s events prove that they do not have the answer to their endemic problems that would lead to the peaceful coexistence they seek. The reality is that the country did receive a profound witness from one who proclaimed a message that contained the key to the establishment of peace. Yet today’s deep divisions reveal that message went largely unheeded.

As far back as the 1950s, Liberia heard over the air, via the World Tomorrow program, the very gospel message Jesus Christ preached. As Herbert Armstrong noted at the time, “Just this past week, two more radio doors are opening to us—in Liberia, Africa (about half way along Africa’s west coast) …” (co-worker letter, Jan. 10, 1958).

That message told of two divergent ways of life. One centered on give and the other on get. Mr. Armstrong declared a message of peace, abundance, joy and unified coexistence among all peoples based on God’s immutable law. However, stable governance within the bounds of that law is only attainable under the almighty hand of God and His government, which mankind has rejected since Adam’s sin and Eve’s deception in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

Almost 20 years onward from those radio broadcasts into Liberia, during the summer of 1977, that renowned ambassador for world peace, without portfolio, Herbert W. Armstrong, visited Japan, Hong Kong and Israel. In addition, this trip was highlighted by a successful two-night public appearance campaign in Liberia where its citizens heard witnessed, in person, the very gospel message of Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 24:14.

“From Israel Mr. Armstrong flew to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, which served as a regional base of operations for trips to two adjoining West African countries, Liberia and Ghana. We were met by the mayor of Monrovia, capital of Liberia. He took us in his car to see the president, and we spent 40 minutes with him. Mr. Armstrong said the mayor also held a luncheon in his honor. The next night we had a public meeting in an auditorium which seated 2,400” (Worldwide News, Aug. 15, 1977).

Monrovia, its political elite, the Liberian president at the time, William R. Tolbert Jr., and many Monrovia citizens were witness to God’s message of peace. The African continent is today wracked with poverty, rampant tribalism, and the schisms that result from radical Islamic insurgencies and Babylonian deceptions via a false form of Christianity.

As Satan’s rule on Earth draws nearer to the end, it becomes increasingly important for an ambassador of the Kingdom of God to reach many nations with Christ’s words of warning of the coming Great Tribulation and the wonderful promise of peace that follows God’s imminent correction for mankind’s rebellion against its Creator.

At present there is a special urgency attached to reaching the nations of the developed world. For it is the Anglo-Saxon nations that prophecy reveals face the greatest threat to be triggered by the most highly developed nation in Europe via a crisis that is already extant on that continent. This will catapult the human race into the final global trial of trials (Matthew 24:21-22).

But after that, the Gentile masses of the world, of which Liberia is but one small nation, will be given an opportunity to learn a powerful lesson from God’s correction of the descendants of Israel, most especially the Anglo-Saxon peoples of America, and Britain and its dominions.

Finally, according to God’s prophecy, Satan will be removed for a thousand years as Jesus Christ ushers in peace and prosperity for all via enforcement by the government of God (Revelation 20:1-3). With the devil removed, peace will come as God opens up the previously blinded mind of man to its incredible human potential.

Liberia is accountable for its president inviting Herbert Armstrong to visit the nation’s capital to speak to top leaders about Christ’s soon-coming return, the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the government that will ensue to ensure that peace, freedom and prosperity will finally come to this West African jewel once and for all!