Be Thankful for Bible Prophecy


Be Thankful for Bible Prophecy

How to watch world events and not get discouraged.

As Americans tuck into their Thanksgiving dinner today, they do so in a nation crumbling under the weight of high unemployment, paralyzing national debt, and deteriorating economic, political and social conditions. And it’s not just Americans. These days, no matter what corner of the planet you live in, for most it’s difficult to watch world events and muster any sense of hope, optimism or gratitude.

But there is a way to watch world events, to digest all the strife and uncertainty, all the suffering and cruelty, all the hopelessness and despair, and be moved with hope, optimism and gratitude. What’s the secret?

It’s simple: Watch world events through the lens of Bible prophecy.

Take Europe, a region that has deservedly hogged the limelight here at the Trumpet in recent weeks. A superficial glance at Europe reveals a continent on the verge of economic and political disaster, one that could likely drag the whole world into depression. There’s so much uncertainty and upheaval, it’s hard to look at events in Europe and have hope—unless we’re looking at Europe through the lens of Bible prophecy.

The first person in modern times to view Europe (and world events) in the context of Bible prophecy was Herbert W. Armstrong. He began his 52-year work of watching Europe and forecasting the prophesied emergence of a German-led European superstate in the very first issue of the Plain Truth in February 1934, with a cover story titled “Is a World Dictator About to Appear?” In May 1945, before World War ii ended completely, Mr. Armstrong warned: “We don’t understand German thoroughness. … From the very start of World War ii, they have considered the possibility of losing this second round … and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round—World War iii!”

In December 1954 he wrote, “Germany inevitably would emerge as the leader of a united Europe” (Plain Truth). In September 1961: “A politically and militarily united Europe is coming!” (ibid). In March 1980: “This coming ‘United States of Europe’ is the dream of many leaders …. The Common Market is only its beginning” (ibid). Mr. Armstrong based these forecasts on his study of end-time prophecies in Isaiah, Daniel, Matthew and Revelation, among other books of the Bible.

Now compare his statements with the following recent headlines:

Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe

Germany must decide if it wants the eurozone to survive or perish

Germans push EU to the brink

How the EU can emerge from the ashes

Fear of a German Europe

The evidence is now indisputable: The events Mr. Armstrong prophesied are now unfolding in Europe.

Where’s the hope, the optimism, in that, you may ask? Before we get to that, let’s ask the more pertinent question: How was this man able to prophesy, more than three decades ago—in remarkable detail and with unshakeable confidence—the headlines of today’s news? Obviously there’s no scientific formula or mathematical equation for figuring out future world events. There’s no magic potion that gives a person visions of the future.

Nevertheless, there must be a rational explanation.

There is, and it’s as logical as it is simple: Herbert Armstrong understood and believed Bible prophecy.

In Isaiah 46, God reveals Himself as the Author of Bible prophecy. “I am God, and there is no other, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things not yet done, saying ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose’” (verses 9-10; Revised Standard Version). Skeptics will read that verse and instead of putting it under the microscope to see if it’s true, they will scoff at it.

Meanwhile, God speaks to the critics again in Isaiah 41, telling them to “bring your case forward … state your proofs.” To those who doubt His existence, who mock and marginalize His prophecies, God says, Let’s sit down and discuss Bible prophecy. “Let us hear what happened in the past, that we may ponder it,” He says. He even taunts them, asking them: Why don’t you “show me what is yet to be, that we may watch how it turns out; yes, let us hear what is coming, that we may be sure you are gods; come, do something or other that we may marvel at the sight!—why, you are things of naught, you can do nothing at all!” (verses 22-24; Moffatt). God isn’t afraid to go toe to toe with His critics.

He tells them candidly: If you believe I don’t exist—and that you’re so brilliant and so well-educated that you don’t need my help—then why don’t you forecast the future thousands of years in advance?

The critics, of course, cannot do this. So, rather than engage in a rational, fact-based discussion about Bible prophecy and its Author, they reject the Bible, then set about in their ignorance haranguing those who do believe it. Meanwhile, those humble and rational enough to observe the facts, to test their authenticity and prove prophecy accurate, discover that Bible prophecy is a gateway into a riveting, hope-filled, inspiring new world!

Prophecy is the proof of divine revelation!” wrote Mr. Armstrong in The Proof of the Bible. “If One, in the Bible, speaking and claiming to be God, can make prophecies and tell what is going to happen in the future to nations, to cities, to empires, then if it actually happens in every case, and without a miss, you’ll know THAT was a real God speaking.” (Apply this test to Europe. Study Mr. Armstrong’s Bible-based prophecies, then read the news to see if they’re coming to fruition. If they are, then you’ll know “that was a real God speaking” through the prophecies.)

This is why Bible prophecy is so valuable: It is living, tangible,quantifiable “proof of the existence of God Almighty [and] proof of [the] divine inspiration of the Bible …” (ibid).

Watching Bible prophecy is not only about anticipating a prophesied event or trend. Rather, the most important and inspiring element of Bible prophecy is that it is evidence of a supreme Being, evidence of a divine Power conceiving the prophecies, relaying them to His human servants, the apostles and prophets, and then bringing them to fruition when the time is right!

Bible prophecy, if we let it, introduces us to God—and that’s something to get excited about!

Of course, this doesn’t mean we should ever marginalize, or spiritualize away the physical fulfillment of biblical prophecies, many of which, as the Trumpet reports on daily, are right now coming to pass. Jesus tells us in Luke 21 to “watch and pray,” and to make sure fulfilled prophecy is stirring us to action. But the only way to guarantee action in response to prophecy is to get to know, and be led and inspired by, the God behind Bible prophecy.

Analyze yourself: Is the daily fulfillment of Bible prophecy deepening your belief in God and His Word? Is it stirring you to action? Or is it something you find interesting but not necessarily motivating?

If you look at this world and are tired of seeing hopelessness, discouragement and uncertainty, try looking at world events through the lens of Bible prophecy. These days it’s virtually impossible to look any direction in this world and not see Bible prophecy being fulfilled. There’s nothing you can’t look at—no event, no trend, no amount of chaos and uncertainty—and not experience hope. Thanks to Bible prophecy, we can watch world events and have our faith strengthened, our knowledge of God broadened, our minds and hearts infused with hope and optimism.

With prophecy as your guide, you’ll be able to look through the daily slog of grim world events and actually see God!

Thank God for Bible prophecy.