Is an iPad an Ideal Babysitter?


Is an iPad an Ideal Babysitter?

Increasing numbers of American families see tablets such as iPads as “playmate, teacher and babysitter,” reported Nielson last week.

The report’s authors say, “The rise of gadgets is ushering in a new generation of kids who are growing up digital.”

The big question for parents though, is whether or not this new digital generation is being helped or harmed by its immersion in gadgetry.

The Nielsen survey of tablet-owning households with children under 12 found that 77 percent said that their children use their devices to play downloaded games. Fifty-seven percent said their children used tablets to access educational tools.

However, many parents said they used the portable gadgets just to keep their kids quiet. Fifty-five percent of parents reported that they used the tablets to entertain their kids while traveling, and 41 percent use them for that purpose in restaurants.

It was found that 43 percent of children “often” used their tablets to watch tv shows and movies. Only 15 percent of kids used their devices to communicate with friends and family.

Parents need to carefully consider how much time they are letting their children spend with electronic devices. Technology can be a powerful tool to promote learning and develop skills. However, the misuse of it has very damaging consequences. A recent study found that regular electronic device usage by students may actually be physically altering the structure of their brains. Other studies have also shown the addictive nature of some technology and that children are increasingly exhibiting addiction symptoms usually associated with drug addiction.

For information that every parent should know regarding tablet use, read “What’s More Important: Your Family—or Your Phone?