Iran Pumping Aid Into Syria

Forty tons of Iranian aid supplies arrived in Damascus, Syria, the morning of March 15. The shipment is the first of four planeloads that Iran plans to send to its most important regional ally.

Iran’s ambassador to Syria, Raouf Sheibani, said the supplies included medicine, medical equipment, tents, blankets, food and ambulances. He said the aid shows Iran’s support for Syria’s current government.

“Iran is standing fully behind the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad as it battles armed rebel groups it describes as terrorists,” Sheibani said.

The Iranian aid package arrived in Syria on the first anniversary of anti-government uprisings there. The ensuing conflict has claimed an estimated 9,000 lives so far.

Iran maintains that Thursday’s aid package was free of any weaponry. However, the Washington Post quoted an unnamed U.S. intelligence authority who said that the increasing aid from Iran is “increasingly focused on lethal assistance.”

The last thing Iran wants is to see a regime change in one of its staunchest regional allies. Although the Trumpet has emphasized that Iran is becoming king of the region, Syria is one battle that the Iranians will lose. Bible prophecy describes two distinct camps emerging in the Middle East. One is prophesied to be led by Iran. The other includes Syria, and will join with a very different alliance.

Although many other things are playing into Tehran’s favor, the Iran-Syria alliance will soon fracture—regardless of the amount of aid Iran invests.