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Ten EU Nations and a New ‘Super-President’


Ten EU Nations and a New ‘Super-President’

In a move that will strike many followers of this website as dramatic, 10 European Union nations are considering creating a powerful new office to lead that European combine.

Ten European nations propose a new EU super-president. These two entities—10 nations and a singular all-powerful leader—seem to match perfectly with Bible prophecy for these times.

Yet do they really?

Let’s take a closer look.

Last week a meeting attended by representatives of 10 European nations convened in a palatial mansion in Brussels to consider creating a powerful new presidential post to lead the greatest trading bloc in the world, the European Union. reported that “Ideas kicking around in a reflection group of select EU foreign ministers include merging the roles of the EU Council and European Commission presidents.

“A senior EU source told this website following a meeting of the club in the Val Duchesse stately home in Brussels on Thursday (April 19) that the new supremo would have more power than either Herman Van Rompuy or Jose Manuel Barroso do today …” (April 20).

The representative group of 10—convened by Germany—comprise Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Though the number 10 is significant to Bible prophecy relating to a Europe of the immediate future (Revelation 13 and17), it is highly doubtful that this particular group of 10 will be the final 10 nations that will take the lead under German hegemony in the prophesied future restructured European Union.

One reason we cast doubt on this is because a parallel prophecy to that of Revelation 13 and 17 contained in Daniel 2 indicates that the final 10 will be divided between east and west Europe. The only two nations that may presently be considered as part of east Europe in today’s club of 10 that convened in Brussels last week are Austria and Poland.

Nevertheless, the prophetically most potent consideration to which this group of 10 devoted its time was the prospect of merging its present three-tier top-level leadership into one all-powerful presidential office. Such a proposal has a most significant prophetic ring to it.

The problem that the EU leadership presently experiences is a problem of redundancy. The three top offices that presently lead the unwieldy union of 27 nations tend to trip over each other in the decision-making process.

As puts it, “The EU Council president post was created by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. But the Lisbon architecture is messy, with Van Rompuy, for instance, overseeing recent debate on EU fiscal reform, while Barroso’s commission puts forward its own ideas and implements final decisions.

“Van Rompuy and Barroso also represent the Union at international summits. But Van Rompuy is top dog in terms of protocol, while another post-Lisbon creature, the EU high representative—a job currently filled by Catherine Ashton—does day-to-day foreign relations” (ibid).

In the revelation of prophecy for our time relative to world conditions that will prevail immediately prior to Christ’s return, it is clear that a single powerful political leader in tandem with a single great religious leader will dominate a great prophesied northern power that shall hold sway globally for a brief moment in time (Revelation 13).

As our editor in chief has pointed out, that religious leader may already be in office.

In respect of the prophesied future political supremo of Europe, the fact that all three senior EU officials—Herman van Rompuy, José Manuel Barroso and Katherine Ashton—are prepared to consider a merger of their powers into a singular super-presidency of the EU is vitally significant!

Keep watching for this proposal to become a reality.

However, in our watching, one aspect of this powerful super-president’s appointment to office should not be overlooked. Contrary to the observation quoted by’s source—who stated that the appointment of a singular EU super-president would give the EU more “‘democratic legitimacy’ because he or she would be elected by meps”—Bible prophecy indicates that the future political leader of the final 10 will not be elected to that office. In fact, that leader will rather be drawn to that all-powerful office by flatteries (Daniel 11:21).

The questions that remain are, which political personality has the charisma, the general political appeal, and perhaps the dynastic profile, to be drawn into that office by flatteries?

Believe it or not, he is already waiting in the wings for his moment. Indications are that he even tested the water last year and found that his moment had not yet come.

Watch this website for regular updates on the inevitable rise to prominence of a charismatic political personality to the point of his eventual appointment as the super-president of a powerful European combine—a great northern superpower (Daniel 11)—ruled over by 10 kings, all yielding their own individual power to his overarching leadership (Revelation 17:12-13).

Then, “when these things begin to come to pass,” as Jesus Christ declared, “look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh”! (Luke 21:28).

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