Jordanian Protesters Demand Cutting Ties With Israel

Hundreds of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman on Friday, calling on their government to end the country’s peace treaty with Israel. The protesters urged their leaders to cut ties with the Jewish state and to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman, chanting, “Death, death to Israel.”

The 18-year-old peace treaty is a contentious issue for Jordanians, and most consider it a failure.

The demonstrations came in response to King Abdullah’s recent nomination of Prime Minister Fayez Tarwneh. Tarwneh was a major contributor in the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace process.

The subject of this protest was unique. Since last year’s “Arab Spring” revolutions, Jordan has experienced hundreds of large protests calling for the reforming of the government. But this demonstration was aimed straight at the Jewish state, showing that anti-Israeli sentiment is on the rise even in nations that have had a history of cooperation with Israel.

As the enemies of Israel grow bolder, the Jewish state’s very existence will become more precarious. Watch for this trend to intensify to the point that Israel will desperately seek a new ally for help.