World Reacts to President Obama’s New Public Support of Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Barack Obama became the first sitting United States president to publicly support homosexual “marriage.” The president announced his stance in a television interview on Wednesday.

The interview came after Vice President Joe Biden declared his support for homosexual “marriage” last weekend. The vice president’s statement appears to have been a gaffe; President Obama had not yet fully endorsed homosexual “marriage,” and said his view on the subject was “evolving.” Reporters and analysts criticized the president, saying that he was clearly in favor of it and was trying to time his announcement for political strategy—perhaps after the November elections.

While the president now publicly supports homosexual “marriage,” he said he still believes that states can ban the act if they choose.

Reaction to the president’s declaration has been mixed, both internationally and at home.

The openly homosexual German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, praised the announcement, both personally and on behalf of the German government.

The Vatican did not immediately comment, but Pope Benedict xvi denounced what he called the gay marriage lobby two months ago to a group of visiting U.S. bishops, urging them to fight against it.

Many people see the Catholic Church’s stance as outdated, a liability and a weakness in a rampantly liberal society. However, the Trumpet believes that there will be a backlash, which the Vatican will take full advantage of. Watch for the Catholic Church to actually draw in millions more believers and to use this strategy to regain a position of dominance over Europe. In spite of Westerwelle’s prominence, expect Germany to swing radically to the right and to provide the Vatican with the firepower it needs—politically and literally. For more on this subject, read “The Power of Religion.”