Epic Failure: America’s Muslim Outreach
Three years ago, President Barack Obama set out to redefine America’s relationship with the Muslim world. It was hailed as a “new beginning”—a chance to remove the wedge President Bush and others had driven between the United States and Islam.
Instead, this new approach of reaching out to Islam has proved to be a spectacular failure.
After Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech in which the president defended instead of condemned Iran’s nuclear pursuits and failed to even mention terrorism, my father boldly predicted what the end result of this pacifist approach would be:
President Obama thinks that through his words, he will have peace with Iran. But after the terrorists heard that speech, they had to be rejoicing! When America’s president gives a speech like that, the terrorists have contempt for such weakness and are stirred to fight even harder. They can smell the victory. So we can expect violent terrorism to intensify and shake the nations! We won’t have long to wait to see who is right.
Later in the article, my father said we were witnessing a reenactment of the 1930s between Chamberlain and Hitler, when Chamberlain tried to negotiate his way to peace. History has proven that attempting to appease a provoking enemy never works.
Daniel 11:40 reveals the nature of Iran’s radical Islamist agenda: “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.” This Iranian-led radical Islamist power bloc referred to in the Bible as the “king of the south” is prophesied to push at the “king of the north,” or a German-led united states of Europe. (For more information on these two power blocs, read our booklets The King of the South and Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.)
Iran’s pattern has always been to provoke Europe and the West with its pushy foreign policy. By failing to confront Iran’s radical Islamist agenda, President Obama is ignoring the number one state sponsor of terror in the Middle East. This, in turn, will lead Europe to realize America is unwilling to take on this king of terror.
Regular followers of the Trumpet are well aware of these prophecies. But it’s still amazing to look back on headlines we’ve penned in the past based on the prophecies of God and see them coming to fruition today.
Another remarkable prediction my father made back in 2009 was regarding the imminent radicalization of Egypt. While then President Hosni Mubarak was not present for Obama’s speech, he noted, the Muslim Brotherhood was. “Egypt is about to experience a radical change!” he wrote emphatically. “No doubt the Muslim Brotherhood is going to gain control of Egypt. Its invitation to hear that speech from the leader of the free world absolutely strengthens its cause!”
Who else was saying that in 2009—when Hosni Mubarak supposedly still had a firm grip on the Muslim Brotherhood and President Obama was healing the rift between America and Islam?
“How much did America’s president help the terrorist cause? Probably far more than we imagine,” he said. “It all gets back to Iran, Iran and Iran! Yet our president will hardly talk about the brutal king of terrorism.”
Toward the end of his article, my father said the president’s speech would have a powerful impact on the flow of prophetic events. He wrote, “President Obama’s speech is a great turning point in this world. It is going to play a major role in terrifying prophecies of your Bible being fulfilled. It is beginning because of the broken will of America. God is going to shake this world and start by shaking America, Britain and the Jewish nation for their sins!”
Three years later, United States ally and ex-president Mubarak is behind bars in an Egyptian prison while former inmates belonging to the once-banned Muslim Brotherhood are now running the country.
In her column from July 12, Caroline Glick highlighted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi’s unofficial inauguration speech in which he told cheering supporters that he would work for the release of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. This terrorist, also known as the “blind sheikh,” is currently serving out a life sentence in a U.S. federal prison for orchestrating the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.
He also led the radical Islamic group responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. In fact, Abdel-Rahman is the one who personally penned the fatwa that called for Sadat’s murder because of the peace treaty he signed with Israel.
Even after his conviction for the 1993 bombing, Abdel-Rahman issued another fatwa calling for jihad against the United States—a document Osama bin Laden cited as justification for his attack on September 11.
“By calling for Abdel-Rahman’s release, Morsi has aligned himself and his government with the U.S.’s worst enemies,” Glick wrote. “By calling for Abdel-Rahman’s release during his unofficial inauguration ceremony, Morsi signaled that he cares more about winning the acclaim of the most violent, America-hating jihadists in the world than with cultivating good relations with America.”
And what was our nation’s official reaction to this insulting item at the top of Morsi’s to do list? President Obama invited Morsi to the White House for a September meeting.
We are now seeing the destructive aftermath of President Obama’s 2009 “outreach.” As Glick notes, Obama’s record of failure since he implemented this policy three years ago is spectacular and unbroken.
“Since he entered office, the Americans have dispensed with far fewer jihadists than they have empowered,” she wrote. “Since January 2009, the Muslim world has become vastly more radicalized. No Islamist government in power in 2009 has been overthrown. But several key states—first and foremost Egypt—that were led by pro-Western, U.S.-allied governments when Obama entered office are now ruled by Islamists.”
These are the undeniable fruits that have come from the policy of appeasement America kicked off three years ago in Cairo.
What a turning point that speech has turned out to be.