Iran Holds Meeting on Conquest of Jerusalem


Iran Holds Meeting on Conquest of Jerusalem

Iran held a meeting titled “Resistance, Islamic Awakening and Liberation of Palestine” August 13, where it discussed “the intifada” and “liberating the Holy Quds”—the Arabic term for Jerusalem—Iranian news agencies reported.

The event came in the run-up to Iran’s Qud’s Day celebration, where anti-Semites around the world rally for the conquest of Jerusalem.

The one-day meeting would “focus on ways to attain the ultimate goal of liberating the Holy Quds, which embodies the dignity of the world Muslims,” the Islamic Republic News Agency (irna) reported prior to the event.

The main speakers included Iran’s top nuclear negotiator and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili. Also among the speakers were Nasser Abu Sharif, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement in Tehran, and Khaled Qadoumi, Hamas’s representative in Tehran.

Ismail Haniyeh, one of Hamas’s main leaders, addressed the conference via a video link.

On the same day, irna reported that Indonesia also held an “International Conference on Islamic Awakening and Independence of Palestine”

These types of meetings are common in Iran, especially around Quds Day. But it is a reminder that even as the Middle East is in turmoil, with Syria, Egypt and other countries vying for Iran’s attention, Jerusalem and Israel are still the central focus.

Iran established Quds Day in 1979 to rally Muslims around the destruction of Israel. Now celebrations are held around the world, including in major Western cities like Toronto and London. That day is a symbol of their desire to lead the world in confronting Israel.

Jerusalem is central to Iran’s world view, but it should be central to yours too. The events unfolding in the Middle East all revolve around Jerusalem. For more information, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s latest article “Watch Jerusalem!