Kieren Underwood

Politically motivated hard-liners are trying to paint the deal as bad for Iran.

The threat of jail time has not halted the Egyptians from protesting.

The German chancellor believes Europe’s naval missions can handle the flow of migrants without NATO.

The homegrown problem of extremism that politicians are no longer ignoring

A ‘once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity’ for China to open a gateway to Europe.

Defense officials believe plans for Chinese development on the shoal were leaked.

Even critics see that TV shows are going too far to attract viewers.

Public opinion on how to deal with migrants is changing rapidly.

The status quo is not a solution.

Does your child have a mental disorder, or is he or she just younger?

The international community is being forced to work discretely amid Libya’s rival governments.

The ancient trade route continues its modern-day advance.

Every occupier is gone and their leaders apprehended.

‘I think I am a man/woman/of no sex, therefore I am.’

Officials realize the dire need to protect their borders.

The failed theory is still hugely popular in university syllabi.

Iran’s economy is ‘on the runway, ready to take off.’

Oil and civil disunity attract Islamic State leaders.

Philadelphia mayor claims ‘it has nothing to do with following the Islamic faith.’

Eight months of consecutive records complete an all-time yearly record.

It took China less than 30 minutes to put a dent in international markets.

Catholic charity says Christianity is on course to disappear in some Middle East countries unless emergency help is provided.

Can ‘savvy history and politics teachers’ use Adolf Hitler’s manifesto to immunize against political extremism?

Protests to recall South African President Jacob Zuma indicate the nation’s unstable situation.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter rebuffs Marine Corps plea to keep elite forces male-only.

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