Josué Michels

How Europe’s energy crisis destines Europe for worse to come

A history older than that of fascist Italy is about to repeat itself.

Germany has long used its military weakness as an excuse to exploit the U.S. military umbrella.

Why the Western leaders’ efforts for peace will fail

Europe’s fascination with the deceased mass murderer continues.

There is a message in these curses that Germany should heed.

What will it take for America to wake up?

The nation will soon be haunted again by its past. There is only one way to alter history.

European leaders prepare their people for ‘great upheaval.’

And what Bible prophecy indicates about its future

Why is Germany focused on Yugoslavia?

And Germany stays silent.

The rise of Big Pharma may be even more concerning than you think.

It’s needed today more than ever.

The problems with a leaderless Europe

The past is catching up.

Looking beyond the initial euphoria, America’s enemies appear stronger than ever.

It’s a perfect time to reform the EU.

The world’s geopolitical power balance is about to change.

‘Try what repentance can. What can it not?’

Germany and the United States coordinate their strategies.

Ongoing crises are increasing Europe’s readiness to accept Germany’s dictates.

While world leaders see no end to war, the Trumpet predicts peace.

Austria seeks cooperation with Jews outside the country.

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