Josué Michels

Germany is building a military for the 21st century.

More than a memory, anti-Semitism is a sad reality and a warning of an even greater holocaust to come.

Germany’s cooperation with Russia is reckless and malicious.

The EU and the European Central Bank join forces to strengthen the euro’s international role.

Armin Laschet’s closeness to Russia sparks controversy in Germany.

Pressured by the U.S., Turkey seeks a new start in its relations with Europe.

A wave of political upheaval hits Europe. Will the crisis bring about Europe’s prophesied 10 kings?

The Holy Roman Empire’s eastern leg is gaining strength.

Most Germans advocate remaining neutral in a conflict between the U.S. and China.

As division, power plays and ignorance plague Germany’s response, the call for leadership grows louder.

The Middle East is a battle zone between two camps, one led by Iran, the other by Saudi Arabia and a powerful European supporter.

If central banks start issuing digital money, the dollar may face real competition as the world’s dominant currency.

Turkey appears to be everyone’s ally and enemy. Its geopolitical weight is the key to many conflicts.

A series of new regulations shows Europe’s war against terror is entering a new stage.

How will the relationship end?

The last internal opposition to German militarism is fading fast.

Is Germany’s far-right-extremist problem escalating?

Some claim it to be impossible; others see it as Europe’s only hope.

Almost every 10th person in Eastern Germany has a right-wing extremist mindset, survey finds.

November 9 is the anniversary of two key historic dates we should not forget.

German hypocrisy is exposed once again.

A digital euro is set to define the future of cross-border payments, gaining ground on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

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