Josué Michels

As anti-Americanism, right-wing extremism and militarism grow, Germany takes its place as the world’s favorite global power.

How will Germany react to Black Lives Matter-style riots?

Hungary relies on German military technology to modernize its armed forces.

‘Northern Africa is turning into a battleground with enormously important prophetic implications.’

People fear that a religious revival could open ‘the gates to something darker.’

Austria and Israel have never seemed so closely allied, but danger lurks.

Germany is at ‘the heart and core of the united Europe.’

Chancellor Merkel is stirring Europe’s ambition to fill the void.

Left- and right-wing extremists are terrorizing Germany.

The climate change movement is strengthening the ‘international role of the euro.’

Germany’s alliance with Turkey portends doom.

The ‘strained’ link between church and state is slowly being restored in France.

Germany’s foreign minister claims it needs to protect Israel from its own decisions.

How Chancellor Merkel has continued Barack Obama’s legacy

As tensions with the United States increase, calls for a united European military are getting louder.

‘There is great outrage in Germany about the violent death of George Floyd.’

Global crises may enable the rise of blockchain-based digital reserve currencies.

It’s either an unreasonable sign of trust or betrayal to one’s own country.

Dutch and German shipyards join forces for the new mks 180.

Germany’s view on the U.S. and China shifts, as was prophesied more than 2,700 years ago.

Drones could soon drastically change the everyday life of citizens and soldiers.

Similar sentiments to those in the 1930s are rising in Germany.

German-Russian relations are marked by ups and downs. How will they end?

The vast majority of Austrians have been unaffected by the coronavirus, but can they escape Kurz’s one-man rule?

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