Josué Michels

German military expert demands a drastic leadership change; Bible prophecy states that change will come.

The quietness around Chancellor Merkel is misleading.

Germans want their own Barack Obama.

Even 10 years ago, who could have predicted this unlikely turn of events?

Why are mental health problems so common among gender-dysphoric people? Only by correctly answering that question can we find a solution.

To preserve Christian Europe, Orbán believes that one has to convert the Middle East.

Hungary might seem like a European outsider today, but prophecy states that this is about to change.

One day, America and Germany will live ‘Wunderbar Together,’ but that day is not yet.

Will this policy help Germany secretly remilitarize once again?

Former economics minister and defense minister expresses distrust of the U.S. and China.

Macron’s urgent plea for Europe’s renewal finds powerful German supporters.

Germany is urgently preparing for a break from America—and for a double cross.

German industry is building the machinery for world war—again.

In cooperation with member states of the Arab League, Germany seeks to push back Iranian influence in Syria.

An overlooked world power has been preparing for decades to have nuclear bombs.

Leaders are rising to turn the Continent back to its Catholic roots.

A new government means a field ripe for harvest.

There is a reason why Berlin has Germany’s worst anti-Semitic problem.

Brazil’s new government presents Germany with a field ripe for harvest.

Europe’s leaders are committed to make Brexit painful for Britain.

Fifty-six years after the signing of the Élysée Treaty, Merkel and Macron unite to empower Germany in an independent European empire.

If Germans don’t trust their own institutions, what do they trust?

The Holy Roman Empire’s quest for Jerusalem continues.

EU officials believe that world trade will drastically change in 2019 as they sign a trade agreement with South America.

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