Josué Michels

Rather than foreshadowing a failed European project, Orbán’s victory points to the rise of a stronger European power.

As their aggressive neighbor strengthens its military, how scared should East Europeans be?

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer: ‘Safety is a human right. A strong state does not tolerate a legal vacuum.’

Many are bewildered by Germany’s apparent surrender to Russia’s wishes. In fact, the two are dividing Europe between themselves.

For the first time since the Cold War, Germany’s Intelligence Service resurrects its counterespionage unit and moves into new headquarters.

Chancellor Merkel disagrees, but most Germans agree with Horst Seehofer: ‘Islam does not belong to Germany.’

Berlin takes command of another military headquarters.

Germany’s months without a stable government are about to end, but its problems are certain to continue.

Germany’s Bundeswehr has been charged with establishing and commanding a new nato military headquarters.

Mainstream parties sink in the polls as upstart Alternative für Deutschland surges ahead.

German government sets record for weapons exports.

To many, Europe today is a military weakling. It has looked this way before—only to shock the world with its strength.

German weapons exports to Turkey are controversial, but even critics don’t realize that Germany’s geopolitical strategy is putting much more at stake.

A toxic mixture is simmering in Germany, one that has previously boiled over into fascism.

The Germans have already begun training their officers to lead a European military.

Is Europe ready for the far right?

Anti-Semitism is rising significantly in Germany.

EU foreign policy chief: Europe is forced to act in Jerusalem to preserve peace.

Almost more interesting than the power struggle in Berlin is the power struggle in Germany’s most powerful and unique state: Bavaria. Who will be Bavaria’s next king?

Europe’s response to the Germans’ political crisis proves that it is totally dependent on them.

In the twilight of the Merkel era, a bold new Germany emerges.

Germany is helping its Middle Eastern partner become one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers.

Austrian Chancellor-elect Sebastian Kurz is seeking the guidance of the Catholic Church.

Even more historic than the size and timing of Israel’s ‘Blue Flag 2017’ exercises are the identities of its participants.

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