Josué Michels

A new white paper for the German Army and a new interpretation of the Basic Law

Political shifts in the southern hemisphere are offering a major economic opportunity for Germany.

Many blame the huge influx of refugees for increased violence in Germany—but there is more to it.

Germany’s reluctance to take on more leadership has ended.

For many high-ranking politicians, it is already clear that the deal with Turkey has failed. What’s next?

Europe could be in the early stages of a geopolitical earthquake.

After much debate, a compromise has been made: The German Army can practice with the police.

If Europe is heading toward a cashless society, the loss of freedom will follow.

What happens when a nation’s people think their government is failing? Germany shows us the answer.

The political union of two churches will influence Europe in a major way.

One man succeeded where all the politicians could not—in shaking Merkel’s political stronghold.

The German Army prepares for cyberwar.

As the refugee crisis intensifies, more Germans are looking for a strong leader.