Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

In staunch defense of Iran, mainstream Britain boos and hisses into silence a true defender of Western civilization.

How the U.S. government compounded the success of the Benghazi terrorist attack.

The White House is engulfed in scandal. Why now?

As Europe edges toward mass anarchy and chaos, the Catholic Church is emerging as the key mediator between Europeans and their leaders.

Cyprus is being made to sell its gold, most likely to the ECB. Will other eurozone countries be compelled to do the same?

For a true patriot, watching powerlessly as one’s nation stumbles into irrelevance and oblivion is worse than death.

Cyprus is a pawn. The real struggle is taking place between Germany and Russia.

The Vatican’s rejection of biblical instruction about celibacy and priestly marriage raises a fundamental question about the Roman Catholic Church.

There’s a lot we don’t know about the next pope. Here are two things we do know.

America is making a fatal mistake inviting Europe to take on more global leadership.

Chances are, Britain’s place in Europe will be decided long before 2017.

As America’s presence in the region shrinks, Germany is quietly filling the vacuum.

A lesson from the scandals

Berlin will not tolerate Britain’s foot-dragging and trouble-making for much longer.

Germany’s readiness to confront radical Islam in Mali is a whiff of things to come.

Recent anti-EU statements from senior leaders in the British government could mark a watershed moment for Britain’s membership in the EU.

The list of dangers creeping up on America is long and scary. Here’s one that few seem to be paying much attention to.

Yet another conquest by radical Islam

Egypt has transformed into a radical Islamist state. What will be the consequences?

America might be keeling over apologetically before Islam. But the French aren’t.

September 2012 could be the month Europe changes forever.

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