Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Terrible crises are unfolding, and we are utterly incapable of solving them.

A change of leadership in Cairo will have major implications for the Middle East, particularly Israel.

The newly refashioned library is a reflection of our newly refashioned minds.

Both science and Bible prophecy agree that a large earthquake in California is inevitable.

The European Union, under German direction, is forging a new strategic relationship with Russia.

A seminal event in Europe that the Trumpet has long forecast might soon occur.

Be assured, there is hope and stability amid the growing chaos.

Many experts believe European unification is dead. The Trumpet says unity in Europe is imminent. Who is right?

The institution once responsible for infusing the English with a spirit of independence is now selling England out.

Another decades-old prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

The EU’s sudden $1 trillion rescue package reveals the magnitude of the financial crisis plaguing the Continent.

Momentous changes are afoot in Europe.

Forget Iran—the Obama administration appears to be more worried about Israel’s nuclear program.

History warns us not to misjudge the resilience of the Roman Catholic Church.

Not nearly as much as millions believe.

Waking up to Berlin’s true ambitions

Here is how it will come.

… to the words of those he loves, admires and never stops talking about?

Civilization is more fragile than most people realize.

The decision could rest with lawmakers in Germany.

History warns us not to misjudge the resilience of the Roman Catholic Church.

Because it proves God exists.

You can have it now—gratis.

The event that made Sunday’s ruinous health care bill inevitable.

If you think Germany is conquering Europe swiftly now, wait till you see what happens next.

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