Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

A nation known for its unfailing wetness, Britain is currently enduring a historic heat wave and drought.

Together, the growing presence of Islam and a pervasive spirit of secularism threaten Europe’s cultural, political and religious landscape. Facing these two crises, Europe will once again look to the Vatican for solutions.

With the World Cup in progress, Germany has captured the world’s attention. The tournament will end, but here is why you should keep your eyes glued to this nation.

Why World War III is unavoidable

Many of the world’s most foreboding troubles are rooted in the Middle East. Western efforts to solve these issues, bogged down in complexity, bureaucracy and political correctness, are failing. Why?

Asia is becoming central to global operations. Its ascension is accelerating the decline of America and spurring the rise of a united European power.

Iran now holds a central position in global affairs. If we consider what motivates the Iranian president, this should frighten us all.

Is the Iranian president crazy, or canny? Before you answer, consider the ace up his sleeve.

The Muslim Brotherhood, though officially banned, is now Egypt’s largest and most influential opposition party. This signals a stunning shift within one of America’s few remaining Middle Eastern allies.

Division and hostility pervade American politics. The timing couldn’t be worse.

From coast to coast, everyone in America will feel the effects.

Britain and America have dominated the globe for the past two centuries. Know why, and you will understand why this will not last.

Today’s universities educate tomorrow’s leaders. By looking at the present state of America’s higher education, we can glimpse the nation’s future. By at least one measure, it doesn’t look bright.

North Korea’s announcement that it has nuclear weapons further proves the impossibility of man’s attempts to curb their deadly spread.

China’s widely reported economic boom has spawned a widely under-reported military boom.

The truth behind Iran’s ploy for power in the Middle East.

Agriculture is one of the most critical and traditionally stable sectors of the American economy.

For 14 years now, the Trumpet has foretold of the unification of Europe under German leadership. For more than 50 years before us, our parent magazine, the Plain Truth, spread the same message. Even as the dead were buried and the wounded limped from World War II’s battlefields, the Plain Truth’s editor in chief, Herbert W. Armstrong, warned of the future resurrection of Germany.

The real nature of the relationship between Asia’s two most powerful nations

Deadly animal diseases harm our food supply. Just a hint of mad cow or avian flu can warrant a mass slaughter. Why do we face such costly plagues? There is a cause, and it is us.

Breaking from the shackles of isolation, China is rapidly becoming an integral player in the game of geopolitics. How will its success impact global dynamics?

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