Rufaro Manyepa

‘And surely Russia is willing to wage war over it.’

The swap shows where the priorities lie, for both Russia and the United States.

The war on drugs has been an abject failure because leaders are far more eager to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes.

The medium is just as dangerous as the content.

There is a fourth branch of government, and it is being used as a dangerous weapon.

‘We have been extraordinarily lucky so far. But luck is not a strategy.’

It is irrefutable that weather disasters are getting worse. But what is the real cause?

Some in the media label predictions of civil war sensational or even dangerous. But the facts speak for themselves.

Thousands of girls have suffered because society refuses to tell the truth.

A glimpse into the past and the future

Murder is now part of the employee benefits package.

Actions speak louder than words.

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