Mihailo S. Zekic

Is Iraq about to fall to Iran?

What Berlin wants, Berlin gets.

Could this turn the tide for the would-be chancellor?

An epidemic of gun violence in America’s capital

A complicated country in the Caribbean just got a lot more complicated.

Reflecting on the Jewish day of mourning

Woe to the inhabitants of the sea.

Why the ‘cancel culture’ has the Fourth of July in its sights

America’s institution to preserve history joins the war against it.

A look back on a century of Chinese communism

Rome and Britain have both ruled the world. Rome fell centuries ago. When will Britain’s time come?

Vladimir Putin sails Russia into a ‘dangerous new era.’

Berlin is keeping an eye on North Africa.

What the U.S. withdrawal means for the region

More evidence implicating the Chinese government in the covid-19 pandemic

What you didn’t hear at the Geneva Summit is more important than what you did.

The culture wars spread to Canada.

Beijing’s ambitions reach new heights—literally.

It seems Brussels doesn’t want Brexit happening without disuniting the kingdom.

Don’t ignore what’s happening in Central America.

Tehran can apparently have its cake and eat it, too.

U.S.-UK relations aren’t as strong as you may think.

The culture wars target the ultimate symbol of British civilization: the monarchy.

Will Russian gas warm ties between Berlin and Moscow, and leave Washington out in the cold?

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