Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

The benefits are beyond measuring!

American public schools are forcing leftist propaganda on our children.

Don’t make up your own morals: Be a moron like me.

What to expect from this issue

Morality has always featured heavily in America’s history. But the morals being promoted and preached today are unlike any the nation has ever seen.

What to do when your wife is discouraged

Our world is full of suffering. Why?

A stunning incident in a Dallas middle school is worth thinking on.

The world is getting dangerous. Really dangerous. More and more people are even beginning to wonder: Is this the end time? Believe it or not, there is a correct answer to this question.

It is embedded in the Fifth Commandment.

Jerusalem is on our minds!

The New American Morality is rather inconsistent, but you’d better learn it real quick, because it is also extremely unforgiving.

The threats in today’s world are multiplying, but how many people are even paying attention?

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