Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Liberals in academia and in the judiciary have long fought legal battles to undermine the Constitution. Black activists are threatening to join the fight, but with real bullets.

Enjoy the benefits of moral and physical alignment.

Are you listening to it? What is it teaching you?

Grow by helping others to grow.

The lifting of sanctions as part of the nuclear agreement puts a stamp of finality of anointing Iran ‘the king of the south.’

It won’t stop with same-sex ‘marriage.’

Are you using it wisely?

College students are rising up to protest systemic hatred and racism. Are they solving problems or creating them?

Is American greatness just one election away?

They’re using the same arguments that successfully convinced society to embrace homosexuality.

Americans are clearly frustrated. But what are the chances the winner of the next presidential election will actually be able to solve America’s problems?

Family requires sacrifice. Just ask the God who gave everything for family.

Bold public declarations of ‘pansexuality’? Pop culture is hitting new lows.

Queen Elizabeth II is making history. You need to know why.

This is a stark reversal after a multiyear downtrend in violent crime. Why the change? And where is it leading?

A scientific achievement that radiates inspiration

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