Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Unpacking the logic behind the negotiations that are supposed to deny Iran a nuclear weapon

Lessons from a man who helped build a president

The rationale for the bitter condemnation of Indiana’s religious freedom law puts America in dangerous waters.

How is a story about bondage supposed to be liberating to women?

Sing the song God wrote you to sing.

Why the counterintuitive choice is the right one

What real compassion for the poor looks like

How is a story about bondage supposed to be liberating to women?

It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but these former superpowers have another day in the sun coming.

Gritting your teeth? Just think of it as a smile.

Something you can do tonight to recapture etiquette and family time

November’s elections in the U.S. brought Republicans big victories. Has hope and change finally come to America?

The Jews face a bleak future alone. The next move by the Arabs, and Israel’s response, will affect us all.

As Ferguson police work to prevent protests from becoming violent, think about what this reveals about the state of America’s race relations.

President Obama’s legal flip-flop is just the start.

The Jewish state is having to do damage control to preserve an important, longstanding alliance.

Yesterday’s elections brought Republicans big victories. But the next two years are going to be rough.

God made us to move.

Pope Francis united Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas in prayer. But the Jews have every reason to view the pope’s overtures with suspicion.

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