Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Iran’s pushing, and America’s inaction, is one of the most shocking stories in our modern world.

Anticipating the end of the world as we know it

Ayatollah Khamenei has become the most powerful man in the Middle East.

It’s going to be a little while, but these former superpowers have another day in the sun coming.

Who is dictating our moral standards?

Our galaxy hosts far more of them than scientists thought.

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is an extremist, a “zany fanatic,” a “religious nut”—for believing in the active existence of a devil.

The government is operating under a flawed understanding about human nature.

The government’s new healthcare mandate is a stunning attack against religion, against conscience and against life.

Bashar al-Assad is cracking down harder than ever. Who’s to stop him?

Lending is a blessing, borrowing is a curse.

Why is North Koreans’ grief over the death of Kim Jong Il so bizarrely intense? Consider the profound lesson in it.

The ‘American Dream’ is taking a beating. Most people think today’s youth will have it worse off than we did. But they are wrong—and here is why!

A short time ago, extrasolar planets existed only in science fiction. Not anymore.

The Taliban in Afghanistan is dictating our ethical standards.

The writing has been on the wall for decades.

Flush from victories in the ‘Arab Spring,’ Iran is getting pushier and pushier.

You’re free to dismiss this warning—but please: Don’t forget it.

The bombshell announcement that was no surprise at all

Priceless advice for the ultimate career

Why is North Koreans’ grief over the death of Kim Jong Il so bizarrely intense? Consider the profound lesson in it.

Want to better understand events in Europe? Here’s a vital history lesson—and we will gladly send you a copy for free.

The lesson you can’t afford to forget

After an errant airstrike this past weekend killed two dozen of its soldiers, Pakistan is getting downright nasty.

This ill-conceived, contentious alliance is nearing its end.

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