August 1, 2005
The French and Dutch rejections of the EU constitution—and the fuss over the treaty coming from other EU nations—is Bible prophecy coming alive! The countries causing the most trouble are identified in the Bible as being “clay” mixed with iron—making Europe “partly strong and partly brittle.”
July 1, 2005
In April, Russia and Germany took their partnership to a new level. In May, the EU and Russia boosted their cooperation as well. What does this warming relationship mean for the world?
June 1, 2005
June 1, 2005
Put together what the Trumpet has reported on Joseph Ratzinger and what we have warned about the next pope, and in Benedict XVI you have just the man to fulfill some of the most Earth-shaking prophecies of all time.
March 1, 2005
One might make a case for freedom being “on the march” in the Middle East. The story is entirely different elsewhere in the world.
January 1, 2005
Europe has modernized and shed its religious roots—or so we’re led to believe. There is grave danger in believing this. You need to know why!
January 1, 2005
The Ukrainian election crisis reveals two great empires on a collision course!
December 1, 2004
August 1, 2004
For decades, European leaders have had a secret agenda. Now, with the final draft of the EU’s new constitution available, the vision of EU fanatics is clear for all to see.
July 1, 2004
Soon—once and for all—the divisive issue of Britain’s role in the EU will be decided conclusively. And here is the ultimate outcome of that decision—foretold to you right now!
June 1, 2004
In Iraq, blood continues to be spilled in the name of democracy. Is this a worthy cause? Is it worth the lives lost? Can democracy succeed in the Middle East? Is there a better system?
May 1, 2004
How the political ripple from the Madrid bombing has altered the power balance in Europe
March 1, 2004
World leaders are calling for a revamp of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. But there is something history tells us about disarmament treaties that we must understand!
March 1, 2004
A bevy of peace initiatives at the beginning of 2004 may have some people hopeful for peace. But can we take these efforts at face value? Is peace really on the horizon? The lessons of history give the answer.
February 1, 2004
Alliances are forming worldwide to challenge America’s dominance.
December 1, 2003
Society’s female icons embody the opposite of true physical, womanly beauty.
December 1, 2003
For decades, we have predicted that a united Europe would take the world by storm. Recent divisions among EU leaders over the draft constitution have experts wondering about Europe’s future as a union.
November 1, 2003
August 1, 2003
What the warming relationship between Germany and Russia means for the world.
July 1, 2003
On one side of the world, a long-term historical outlook is keeping one World War ii antagonist in check; on the other side, short-sightedness is letting another rise to power.