Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Jesus Christ is about to return. A life-saving event that took place decades ago is absolute proof of this. Your Bible foretold this most pivotal sign of Christ’s imminent return.

This critical Mediterranean island reveals Germany’s methods—and its ambitions!

God commands all human beings to be happy, yet almost no one knows how to find happiness. Here is the unpopular, yet effective, key to happiness.

“Jerusalem” means “city of peace,” but it is the most violent city on Earth. How will Jerusalem finally live up to its name?

God promised to send one man in this end time to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Learn about this pivotal prophecy, and how it has already been fulfilled.

You aren’t hearing about it—and that is at the root of the problem.

Learn what the Bible reveals about who and what God is!

Not long ago, God’s one true Church was crushed by lawlessness. This spiritual catastrophe is a sign that the Messiah is coming soon.

King Jeroboam led ancient Israel into idolatry and godlessness. Your Bible forecasts a modern-day Jeroboam will lead one of the nations descended from Israel in this end time.

Good music provides many benefits for your mind, body and spirit. Music is also central to God’s plan.

Control of the Mediterranean Sea requires control of one island: Cyprus. Learn how Cyprus is ruled by Germany, and the impact this will soon have on the entire world.

Right now, one nation poses a more severe threat to world peace than any other: Iran. What does your Bible say about Iran’s pushy foreign policy and how the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism will be stopped?

The past, present and future of this city holds a hope-filled perspective you need.

Two tiny clay seal impressions bear overwhelming proof of the biblical record. These precious artifacts represent perhaps the strongest king-prophet relationship in all of history. Watch as this powerful partnership is brought to life.

A recent archaeological discovery proves the existence of the Prophet Jeremiah’s persecutors. These artifacts are from a terrible period in the history of the nation of Judah. Yet the story of Jeremiah’s captivity is actually full of hope.

Unlock life’s mysteries.

God’s Church today is directly involved in discovering the greatest archaeological finds of all time. This discovery proves the Bible and will soon shake the entire world.

Matthew 24 explains the four horsemen of the apocalypse, some of the most terrifying symbols in the Bible. This chapter also foretells the inspiring conclusion to what will be the worst suffering in human history.

A biblical prophecy indicates yes.

Few subjects in the Bible receive more attention, yet almost no one knows its meaning.

The Bible prophesies of a battle between a European king of the north and the king of the south, led by radical Islam. But the nation of Jordan will be protected. We need to know why.

The Bible lays out specific events that will lead directly to the return of Jesus Christ. Once you know the biblical identities of modern nations, current events fit together into prophecy like pieces of a puzzle. Russia and China are two very big pieces of this puzzle.

As hurricanes and fires wreck and ravage America, the question must be asked: Is God answering our prayers?

Wealthy parents buying their kids’ way into elite schools provides a peek at a culture of lawlessness that should concern us all.

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