Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Bible prophecy reveals who he is and which country he rules today! You desperately need to prove this revelation.

Jerusalem has a bloody past and an even bloodier immediate future. Beyond that, it is destined for eternal glory!

The Russian president is more than he appears to be.

This world doesn’t know God! Do you?

God is a mystery to most people, but He has an eternal history and a future in store for YOU.

This church-state combine has caused more destruction than any kingdom in history. Why don’t people know more about it?

Germany has been a close friend of America for decades. With the surge in German nationalism, that friendship is about to change.

Herbert W. Armstrong pinpointed a specific trigger that will set off earthshaking events that will change Europe and the United States permanently

Herbert W. Armstrong pinpointed a specific trigger that will set off earthshaking events that will change Europe and the United States permanently.

King Jeroboam led ancient Israel into idolatry and godlessness. Your Bible forecasts a modern-day Jeroboam will lead one of the nations descended from Israel in this end time.

Vladimir Putin is playing a key role in Bible prophecy. Every world leader needs to understand how critical that role is going to be. We are entering into the worst crisis ever in man’s history. This prophecy is woeful and super-inspiring at the same time.

King Jeroboam led ancient Israel into idolatry and godlessness. Your Bible forecasts a modern-day Jeroboam will lead one of the nations descended from Israel in this end time.

America is going to become great again, but not the way millions of Americans think.

The biblical book of Ruth is a message about the greatest event in the history of the universe.

Immediately after creating the first man, God taught him about the two trees.

Russia’s president is a dangerous man. Should U.S. President Trump form an alliance with him?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a spy by trade. United States President Donald Trump says he will get along well with this man. But can Putin be trusted?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a spy by trade. United States President Donald Trump says he will get along well with this man. But can Putin be trusted?

The book of Ruth is a love story that focuses on this virtuous woman’s attitude. But it’s more than that. Learn how Ruth’s marriage represents the greatest marriage in the universe.

The book of Ruth is a love story that focuses on this virtuous woman’s attitude. But it’s more than that. Learn how Ruth’s marriage represents the greatest marriage in the universe.

The book of Ezekiel discusses two end-time watchmen. Only one of them is appointed by God.

The Prophet Ezekiel described two end-time watchmen who would have a powerful impact on the world. One was chosen by the people; the other was chosen by God.

The Prophet Ezekiel described two end-time watchmen who would have a powerful impact on the world. One was chosen by the people; the other was chosen by God.

But Americans don’t know why it is coming.

The Bible foretells of an end-time prince of Russia—and a messenger who prophesies against this powerful prince. These two men will impact your life directly. Find out who they are.

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