Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

These books of the Bible contain prophetic history, yet few study them and even fewer understand their significance for today.

These books of the Bible contain prophetic history, yet few study them and even fewer understand their significance for today.

America has never been so cursed. But there is one way to reverse the curse and make America great again.

America’s worst foreign-policy debacle ever just paved the way to a nuclear World War III.

America has never been so cursed. But there is one way to reverse the curse and make America great again.

Learn about the spiritual warfare that began before mankind was created and continues to this day.

Learn about the spiritual warfare that began before mankind was created and continues to this day.

Jesus Christ said that He would send a man in the end time to prepare the way for His Second Coming. This man has already come and gone. Do you know who he was?

Jesus Christ said that He would send a man in the end time to prepare the way for His Second Coming. This man has already come and gone. Do you know who he was?

Iran is focused on America and the Jewish nation of Israel, unaware that a rising German-led superpower already has it surrounded.

Iran is focused on America and the Jewish nation of Israel, unaware that a rising German-led superpower already has it surrounded.

A British newspaper has exposed a secret plot to consolidate European power under a political dictator. Is this the reemergence of the Holy Roman Empire?

A British newspaper has exposed a secret plot to consolidate European power under a political dictator. Is this the reemergence of the Holy Roman Empire?

Assassinations of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge mark a dangerous escalation of race hatred. America’s highest-ranking leaders are fueling the problem.

Revelation 10 discusses two end-time messages. The first is the most important book since the Bible. The second describes how God’s people rejected that book.

Revelation 10 discusses two end-time messages. The first is the most important book since the Bible. The second describes how God’s people rejected that book.

The book of Zechariah pinpoints two leaders God uses in this end time. To receive God’s precious golden oil and truth, you need to understand who these men are.

The book of Zechariah pinpoints two leaders God uses in this end time. To receive God’s precious golden oil and truth, you need to understand who these men are.

Jesus warned that just before His Second Coming most would be deceived. To avoid this fate, you must have the key that unlocks the entire Bible.

Jesus warned that just before His Second Coming most would be deceived. To avoid this fate, you must have the key that unlocks the entire Bible.

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

Politics in America today is full of people pointing fingers and casting blame. But the real source of the nation’s problems is being overlooked.

God said He would give a sign showing when He would begin to shake the nations in this end time. That sign has already arrived. Do you know what it is?

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