Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

The book of Daniel prophesies about an end-time ‘king of fierce countenance,’ who will shake the foundations of this world. That king is on the scene now—and we think we may know who he is.

Traditional Christianity pictures Jesus Christ as a weak, marred figure dying on a cross. But Jesus Christ is not only risen, He has a role that can affect your life today.

Traditional Christianity pictures Jesus Christ as a weak, marred figure dying on a cross. But Jesus Christ is not only risen, He has a role that can affect your life today.

The Bible teaches that evil spirit beings inspire the evil plaguing human beings. Could this be true?

We need to see Pope Francis’s criticisms of Donald Trump, as well as America’s immigration and economic policy, in context.

Liberals in academia and in the judiciary have long fought legal battles to undermine the U.S. Constitution. Black activists are threatening to join the fight, but with real bullets.

Europe’s refugee crisis is shaking Europe to its foundations. The shocks will help bring a new leader to power soon who will make a sinister deal with Russia.

Was the Sabbath given for the Jews only? Were Christians commanded to keep Sunday? Does it make any difference which day we observe, or whether we keep it at all?

Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given for ancient Israel only? The biblical answers may shock you!

As society struggles with anxiety and depression, learn to discern living faith from dead faith.

‘You are Gods!’ This is the fundamental truth at the heart of the gospel—and it reveals the incredible future God offers those who obey Him.

What happens when God gives His Church new revelation? Satan always directs his most ferocious attack against God’s people. The Prophet Daniel battled mightily to receive God’s revelation and recorded the struggle; yet in his lifetime, he never understood what God gave him. He was told that the meaning of the revelation would come in “the time of the end.” Then he got even more specific and prophesied what would happen in the “last end”—or the end of the end time. That time is now! Imagine the fate of God’s people who understand and must deliver Daniel’s revelation! Still, they have a much greater power than Satan supporting them as they deliver the most important message in this world.

Islamic State terrorist attacks and Iran’s belligerent pursuit of nuclear weapons dominate the headlines today. Soon a German strongman will crush these Islamic extremists.

The Islamic State attacks on the European Union and NATO headquarters will lead to the rise of a European strongman prophesied to destroy Islamic terrorism.

Major media outlets are starting to notice parallels between modern Europe and the Holy Roman Empire. Are these similarities to be celebrated? Check history.

A recently unearthed official seal of a Judean king holds a moving message for the whole world.

This nuclear deal with Iran is disastrous for the world—yet it contains both bad and good news.

Apple founder Steve Jobs changed the world of technology. Of his many great leadership qualities, his ability to focus was perhaps most important.

Steve Jobs possessed the ability to focus intensely on his goals. We need such single-minded focus to attain a spiritual prize worth focusing on above all else.

The aggressive powers rising on the world scene were prophesied thousands of years ago in your Bible.

While America and its allies are in decline, Bible prophecy shows three aggressive nations shaping world events.

Over 2,500 years ago, the Prophet Habakkuk outlined four specific end-time events. By studying his account, we can know where we are in biblical prophecy.

The Prophet Habakkuk discusses three end-time catastrophes that show where we are in biblical prophecy.

Caught in a storm of persecution, the Apostle Peter delivers a message of unwavering hope.

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